
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Volume: Popular Algorithms - total 72    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
27Bubble SortES RU SK5982
26Greatest Common DivisorRU SK5839
104Triangle Area3366
47Caesar Shift CipherSK3329
120Selection Sort2036
33Parity ControlRU2341
34Binary Search2155
121Insertion Sort1345
156Luhn AlgorithmSK996
145Modular Exponentiation767
181Reverse Polish Notation584
85Rotation in 2D Space735
40Paths in the GridUA767
211Information Entropy366
95Simple Linear Regression581
207Suffix Array364
60Sweet Harvest625
143Extended Euclidean Algorithm435
101Gradient Calculation476
82Levenshtein Distance488
64Maze Pathfinder473
79Cycles Detection436
92Binary Heap413
90Lexicographic Permutations376
154Breadth First Search294
78Bezier Curves378
65Transitive Closure on Candy States362
144Modular Inverse273
155Depth First Search258
374Longest Common Subsequence34
161Topological Sorting243
123Knapsack of Integers239
93Starving Priority Queue262
84Dijkstra in the Network265
208Neighborhood of a String145
164Page Rank172
138Huffman Coding186
194Convex Hull and Farmers147
201Point in Polygon138
152RSA Cryptography161
137Shannon-Fano Coding169
202Dancing Pairs108
148Public Key Cryptography Intro133
124Knapsack Backtracking142
106Random Search Optimization149
102Travelling Salesman139
158Hamming Codes111
153Fermat goes hacking RSA99
115Gradient Descent for SLE109
376Cartesian Tree Visualization11
166Page Rank as Eigenvector83
193Maximum Flow73
142LZ77 decompression89
203Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax Algorithm68
219Neural Network Calculation61
216Cracking Linear Congruential Generator59
132Stream Cipher Breaking80
205Clustering the Stars56
230Move-To-Front Transform47
380Treap Study5
229Burrows-Wheeler Transform33
344Throwing Easter Eggs Part 210
256Rook Jump Maze19
345Elliptic Curves Basics7
336Currency Arbitrage8
220Neural Network Training21
260Low Cost Road Network16
342Adaptive Arithmetic Coding5
302Sound-Controlled Robot6