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wizard with books

There is the Library of Secret Knowledge in the Abbey. It consists of few hundreds books and old brother Bartholomew - the wise librarian.

The main problem with the Secret Knowledge is that you never know where to search for specific topic. For example if I want to read about radiophotoplethysmograph - what book should I pick and which page to open? Brother Bartholomew can help with this often, but even he do not know all thes books by heart.

That is why he wants to have an electronic version of the Library. He can manage to scan and recognize old manuscripts, and save them to files. However there is still some problem: the total volume of the data is about 1 Gigabyte. If one person wants to search some word in it by simple scan, it will take about 30 seconds. However if the Library is made public and have many visitors from internet, it is too much. If we have 300 users each of them making 10 search requests - the server will work for whole day.

But as the data to be searched through are the same for every request, can we prepare them in some manner to speed up these requests? Yes, we can. We want to create an index of some sort.

Suffix Array is one of popular types of such indexes. We are going to see how it works and then try an exercise about creating one. The core idea of suffix-based data structures is like following:

The only trouble is how to store this set of suffixes efficiently. The suffix array is probably the most compact way. Let us see how it looks like.

Suffix Array by Example

Suppose we have the long text string like INTERPRETING (it is not gigabyte, but sufficient for our example). Let us write every possible suffix in the alphabetically sorted list - and their starting positions in the string:

ERPRETING       -   3
ETING           -   7
G               -   11
ING             -   9
NG              -   10
PRETING         -   5
RETING          -   6
RPRETING        -   4
TERPRETING      -   2
TING            -   8

This column on the right - it is just suffix array. Do you see how it is used in the search?

Suppose we want to find the word SUB. We use binary search - let us peek into the middle of array (say at position 5, counting from 0) and see prefix NG here. It is alphabetically smaller than our word. So we now peek at the middle of the second half of array, say at position 8. Here is prefix RE... - it is alphabetically less than our word so we should look between the positions 8 and the end. We'll find TE... at position 10 and then we need to search between 8 and 10. So we will use about 4 or 5 attempts to discover that the search word is not found anywhere.

We used the example of non-existing word intentionally since it always gives the longest search path. Anyway the path is about log(N) attempts (with binary logarithm).

Problem Statement

You are given some piece of text and your goal is to print out the suffix array for it. We do not discuss the algorithms for building suffix arrays - they could be very fast and very complicated - but you can safely use naive approach for the sample text will be just about 200 characters long. We want to learn the concept right now, not specific algorithm.

Input data will contain a single line of text (capital latin letters and spaces).
Answer should give a suffix array for this line - list of integers.


input data:

12 20 22 16 13 15 3 24 18 7 11 9 0 10 1 5 21 14 6 4 25 19 2 23 17 8
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