
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: arithmetic - total 40    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
7Fahrenheit to CelsiusDE ES AR ZH RO RU SK15168
11Sum of digitsDE ES RU ZH SK12177
28Body Mass IndexDE ES ZH RU SK10372
13Weighted sum of digitsDE ES RU ZH SK9871
43Dice RollingDE ES ZH RU SK8937
16Average of an arrayDE ES RU SK9356
17Array ChecksumDE ES RU SK8662
48Collatz SequenceDE ES RU SK7044
14Modular CalculatorES SK6601
26Greatest Common DivisorRU SK5839
18Square RootES RU5588
52Pythagorean TheoremRU4733
67Fibonacci SequenceRU4293
57Smoothing the WeatherES RU4299
24Neumann's Random GeneratorDE ES RU4618
25Linear Congruential GeneratorRU4006
44Double Dice RollRU3795
22Two PrintersES RU3019
42Blackjack Counting2592
156Luhn AlgorithmSK996
181Reverse Polish Notation584
143Extended Euclidean Algorithm435
189Dynamic Web Page300
301Skyscraper Price126
174Calculation of Pi236
184Matches Picking200
173Chords of Music192
368Number Base Palindrome32
109Lucky Tickets226
364Arthur Engel's Randomizer30
179Look and Say binary119
148Public Key Cryptography Intro133
253Beautiful Line Chart75
196Fibonacci Randomizer85
210Ticket Puzzle69
292Factorial Trailing Zeroes29
346Long Decimal Fractions14
149Prime Chains60
223Introducing Scheme37