Look and Say binary

Problem #179

Tags: arithmetic binary puzzle c-1 c-0

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You probably know about Look and Say sequence - one which is constructed by splitting the current value into same-digit sequences and then writing down how many times each digit is repeated. It starts like this:

1       - sequence of 1 digit 1  =>  11
11      - seqeunce of 2 digits 1  => 21
21      - sequence of 1 digit 2 and another of 1 digit 1  =>  1211
1211    - 1 digit 1, 1 digit 2, 2 digits 1  => 111221
111221  - 3 digits 1, 2 digits 2 and 1 digit 1  =>  312211

And so on. You may see this sequence increase without limit for almost any starting value.

Since we are programmers, let us describe binary variation of this sequence. Let us start with some binary value:


Splitting it into sequences give us

1 digit 1, 11 digits 0, 10 digits 1, 10 digits 0, 1 digit 1

Note that we write counters as binary also, of course. Also there are two obvious facts:

This gives us significant improvement: we only need to write lengths of sequences, but not the digits themselves. E.g. the value above could be written as lengths of sequences:

1 11 10 10 1  => 11110101

This improvement changes the behavior of sequence dramatically. Instead of growing with each step it steadily decreases in length until reaching loop of 11, 10, 11, 10. Another loop of single value 1 could not be reached from any starting value except 1 itself.

Note that we can come to 10 only from 11 (i.e. it have a single parent), while there are two possible "parents" for 11 (namely 10 and 111).

Problem Statement

Input data will give you a random binary value.
Answer should tell how may steps it take to reach value 10 and how many other sequences produce the given one on the first step (i.e. how many "parents" it have).


input data:

23 536870912
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