User: crashmatusow

Position: #7279 (among top 13%)
Rank ?: acolyte

Tasks solved: 22
of them for certificate: 5

Country: United States of America

Relations   (details)
Is befriended by 0 users
and made friendship with 0 users

Registered: Apr 18 2014
Last visit: Jul 6 2016 00:03

User have not filled his personal info still.
If you are acquainted - please ask him / her to do so!
Awards, Diplomas etc (how to win them?):

Currently nothing here :(

Solutions list
(view saved unsuccessful solutions)
Note: you can not view solutions of tasks which you have not yet solved yourself!
# Title Language Solution Date
1 Sum "A+B" Python view
Apr 18 2014
2 Sum in Loop Python view
Apr 21 2014
3 Sums in Loop Python view
Apr 21 2014
4 Minimum of Two Python view
Apr 21 2014
5 Minimum of Three Python view
Apr 24 2014
15 Maximum of array Python view
Apr 24 2014
6 Rounding Python view
Apr 24 2014
7 Fahrenheit to Celsius Python view
Apr 24 2014
20 Vowel Count Python view
May 4 2014
41 Median of Three C/C++ view
Dec 2 2014
28 Body Mass Index C/C++ view
Jan 6 2015
43 Dice Rolling C/C++ view
Mar 10 2015
11 Sum of digits C/C++ view
Mar 10 2015
13 Weighted sum of digits C/C++ view
Mar 10 2015
8 Arithmetic Progression C/C++ view
Jan 2 2016
9 Triangles C/C++ view
Jan 2 2016
10 Linear Function C/C++ view
Jan 2 2016
12 Modulo and time difference C/C++ view
Jan 2 2016
14 Modular Calculator C/C++ view
Apr 7 2016
16 Average of an array C/C++ view
Apr 7 2016
17 Array Checksum C/C++ view
Apr 7 2016
18 Square Root C/C++ view
Apr 7 2016