User: jalksdfjasfdl

Position: #30 (among top 0.1%)
Rank ?: cardinal

Tasks solved: 217
of them for certificate: 176

Country: Austria

Relations   (details)
Is befriended by 2 users
and made friendship with 0 users

Registered: Jun 17 2020
Last visit: Jan 23 2021 20:49

User have not filled his personal info still.
If you are acquainted - please ask him / her to do so!
Awards, Diplomas etc (how to win them?):

Currently nothing here :(

Solutions list
(view saved unsuccessful solutions)
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# Title Language Solution Date
1 Sum "A+B" Other view
Jun 17 2020
2 Sum in Loop Other view
Jun 17 2020
3 Sums in Loop Other view
Jun 17 2020
4 Minimum of Two Other view
Jun 17 2020
5 Minimum of Three Other view
Jun 17 2020
6 Rounding Other view
Jun 17 2020
7 Fahrenheit to Celsius Other view
Jun 17 2020
8 Arithmetic Progression Other view
Jun 17 2020
9 Triangles Other view
Jun 17 2020
10 Linear Function Other view
Jun 17 2020
11 Sum of digits Other view
Jun 17 2020
12 Modulo and time difference Other view
Jun 17 2020
13 Weighted sum of digits Other view
Jun 17 2020
14 Modular Calculator Other view
Jun 17 2020
15 Maximum of array Other view
Jun 17 2020
16 Average of an array Other view
Jun 17 2020
17 Array Checksum Other view
Jun 17 2020
18 Square Root Other view
Jun 17 2020
19 Matching Brackets Other view
Jun 17 2020
20 Vowel Count Other view
Jun 17 2020
21 Array Counters Other view
Jun 17 2020
22 Two Printers Other view
Jun 17 2020
23 Bubble in Array Other view
Jun 17 2020
24 Neumann's Random Generator Other view
Jun 18 2020
25 Linear Congruential Generator Other view
Jun 18 2020
26 Greatest Common Divisor Other view
Jun 18 2020
27 Bubble Sort Other view
Jun 18 2020
28 Body Mass Index Other view
Jun 18 2020
29 Sort with Indexes Other view
Jun 18 2020
30 Reverse String Other view
Jun 18 2020
31 Rotate String Other view
Jun 18 2020
32 Josephus Problem Other view
Jun 18 2020
33 Parity Control Other view
Jun 18 2020
34 Binary Search Other view
Jun 18 2020
35 Savings Calculator Other view
Jun 18 2020
36 Code Guesser Other view
Jun 18 2020
37 Mortgage Calculator Other view
Jun 18 2020
38 Quadratic Equation Other view
Jun 18 2020
39 Share Price Volatility Other view
Jun 18 2020
40 Paths in the Grid Other view
Jun 18 2020
41 Median of Three Other view
Jun 18 2020
42 Blackjack Counting Other view
Jun 18 2020
43 Dice Rolling Other view
Jun 18 2020
44 Double Dice Roll Other view
Jun 18 2020
45 Cards Shuffling Other view
Jun 18 2020
46 Tic-Tac-Toe Other view
Jun 18 2020
47 Caesar Shift Cipher Other view
Jun 18 2020
48 Collatz Sequence Other view
Jun 18 2020
49 Rock Paper Scissors Other view
Jun 18 2020
50 Palindromes Other view
Jun 18 2020
51 Dungeons and Dragons Dice Other view
Jun 18 2020
52 Pythagorean Theorem Other view
Jun 18 2020
53 King and Queen Other view
Jun 18 2020
54 Pythagorean Triples Other view
Jun 18 2020
55 Matching Words Other view
Jun 18 2020
56 Life is Simple Other view
Jun 18 2020
57 Smoothing the Weather Other view
Jun 18 2020
58 Card Names Other view
Jun 18 2020
59 Bulls and Cows Other view
Jun 19 2020
60 Sweet Harvest Other view
Jun 19 2020
61 Prime Numbers Generation Other view
Jun 19 2020
62 Prime Ranges Other view
Jun 19 2020
63 Integer Factorization Other view
Jun 19 2020
64 Maze Pathfinder Other view
Jun 19 2020
65 Transitive Closure on Candy States Other view
Jun 19 2020
66 Caesar Cipher Cracker Other view
Jun 19 2020
67 Fibonacci Sequence Other view
Jun 19 2020
68 Bicycle Race Other view
Jun 19 2020
69 Fibonacci Divisibility Other view
Jun 19 2020
72 Funny Words Generator Other view
Jun 19 2020
70 Most Frequent Word Other view
Jun 19 2020
71 Fibonacci Divisibility Advanced Other view
Jun 19 2020
73 Hexagonal Grid Other view
Jun 19 2020
74 Clock Hands Other view
Jun 19 2020
75 Yacht or Dice Poker Other view
Jun 19 2020
76 Pawn Move Validator Other view
Jun 19 2020
77 Point to Segment Distance Other view
Jun 19 2020
78 Bezier Curves Other view
Jun 19 2020
79 Cycles Detection Other view
Jun 19 2020
80 Duel Chances Other view
Jun 19 2020
81 Bit Count Other view
Jun 19 2020
82 Levenshtein Distance Other view
Jun 20 2020
83 Graph Generator Other view
Jun 20 2020
84 Dijkstra in the Network Other view
Jun 20 2020
85 Rotation in 2D Space Other view
Jun 20 2020
86 Brainfuck Interpreter Other view
Jun 20 2020
87 Tree Builder Other view
Jun 20 2020
88 Pitch and Notes Other view
Jun 20 2020
89 Instrument Tuner Other view
Jun 20 2020
90 Lexicographic Permutations Other view
Jun 20 2020
91 Game of 2048 Other view
Jun 20 2020
92 Binary Heap Other view
Jun 20 2020
93 Starving Priority Queue Other view
Jun 20 2020
94 Fool's Day 2014 Other view
Jun 20 2020
95 Simple Linear Regression Other view
Jun 20 2020
96 Snake Arcade Other view
Jun 20 2020
97 Girls and Pigs Other view
Jun 20 2020
98 Azimuth at Treasure Island Other view
Jun 20 2020
99 Uphill Shooting Other view
Jun 20 2020
100 Crossing the Road Other view
Jun 21 2020
101 Gradient Calculation Other view
Jun 21 2020
102 Travelling Salesman Other view
Jun 21 2020
103 Easter Eggs Other view
Jun 21 2020
104 Triangle Area Other view
Jun 21 2020
105 Convex Polygon Area Other view
Jun 21 2020
106 Random Search Optimization Other view
Jun 21 2020
107 Knight's Tour Other view
Jun 22 2020
108 Star Medals Other view
Jun 22 2020
109 Lucky Tickets Other view
Jun 22 2020
110 Lucky Tickets Advanced Other view
Jun 22 2020
111 Necklace Count Other view
Jun 22 2020
112 Travelling Salesman Inverted Other view
Jun 22 2020
113 Ground Zero Other view
Jun 22 2020
114 Tricky Printing Brainfuck view
Jun 22 2020
115 Gradient Descent for SLE Other view
Jun 23 2020
116 Summing Up Brainfuck view
Jun 23 2020
117 Divide by Two Brainfuck view
Jun 23 2020
118 Maxit Single-Player Other view
Jun 23 2020
119 Brain Fibo Brainfuck view
Jun 23 2020
120 Selection Sort Other view
Jun 23 2020
121 Insertion Sort Other view
Jun 23 2020
122 QuickSort Other view
Jun 23 2020
123 Knapsack of Integers Other view
Jun 23 2020
124 Knapsack Backtracking Other view
Jun 23 2020
125 Bogosort Other view
Jun 23 2020
126 Sequence of Squares Brainfuck view
Jun 23 2020
127 Anagrams Other view
Jun 23 2020
128 Combinations Counting Other view
Jun 23 2020
129 Enumerating Combinations Other view
Jun 24 2020
130 Combinations with Repetitions Other view
Jun 24 2020
131 Four Pics One Word Other view
Jun 24 2020
132 Stream Cipher Breaking Other view
Jun 24 2020
133 Billiard Ball Other view
Jun 24 2020
134 Flying Text Screensaver Other view
Jun 24 2020
135 Variable Length Code Other view
Jun 24 2020
136 Variable Length Code Unpack Other view
Jun 24 2020
137 Shannon-Fano Coding Other view
Jun 24 2020
138 Huffman Coding Other view
Jun 24 2020
139 Beam Balance and Masses Other view
Jun 24 2020
140 Proper Bracket Sequences Other view
Jun 25 2020
141 Sliding Window Search Other view
Jun 25 2020
142 LZ77 decompression Other view
Jun 25 2020
143 Extended Euclidean Algorithm Other view
Jun 25 2020
144 Modular Inverse Other view
Jun 25 2020
145 Modular Exponentiation Other view
Jun 25 2020
146 Color Cubes Other view
Jun 25 2020
147 Color Cubes Advanced Other view
Jun 25 2020
148 Public Key Cryptography Intro Other view
Jun 26 2020
149 Prime Chains Other view
Jun 26 2020
150 Introducing Regexps RegExp view
Jun 26 2020
151 Word Ladders Other view
Jun 26 2020
152 RSA Cryptography Other view
Jun 27 2020
153 Fermat goes hacking RSA Other view
Jun 27 2020
154 Breadth First Search Other view
Jun 27 2020
155 Depth First Search Other view
Jun 27 2020
156 Luhn Algorithm Other view
Jun 27 2020
157 Emirp primE Other view
Jun 27 2020
158 Hamming Codes Other view
Jun 27 2020
159 Hard Life Other view
Jun 28 2020
160 Social Web Scraper Other view
Jun 28 2020
161 Topological Sorting Other view
Jun 28 2020
162 Rubik's Cube Other view
Jun 28 2020
163 Colliding Balls Other view
Jun 28 2020
164 Page Rank Other view
Jun 28 2020
165 Safe Landing Other view
Jun 28 2020
166 Page Rank as Eigenvector Other view
Jun 29 2020
167 Copy Line Brainfuck view
Jun 29 2020
168 Caesar meets BF Other view
Jun 29 2020
169 Automated Landing Other view
Jun 29 2020
170 Binary Search in Array Other view
Jun 29 2020
171 Tree Height Measurement Other view
Jun 30 2020
172 Cloud Altitude Measurement Other view
Jun 30 2020
173 Chords of Music Other view
Jun 30 2020
174 Calculation of Pi Other view
Jun 30 2020
175 Algae Robot Other view
Jul 1 2020
176 Say 100 Other view
Jul 1 2020
177 Nim Game Other view
Jul 2 2020
178 Maze of the Wumpus Other view
Jul 4 2020
179 Look and Say binary Other view
Jul 4 2020
180 Simple Game of Sticks Other view
Jul 4 2020
181 Reverse Polish Notation Other view
Jul 4 2020
182 Frodo and Black Riders Other view
Jul 4 2020
184 Matches Picking Other view
Jul 11 2020
185 Simple 3D Scene Other view
Jul 11 2020
186 Simple 3D Scene (cont) Other view
Jul 11 2020
191 Spaceship Weight Fraud Other view
Jul 11 2020
192 Gangster Battles Other view
Jul 11 2020
193 Maximum Flow Other view
Jul 11 2020
194 Convex Hull and Farmers Other view
Jul 11 2020
201 Point in Polygon Other view
Jul 11 2020
202 Dancing Pairs Other view
Jul 11 2020
203 Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax Algorithm Other view
Jul 12 2020
204 Wandering Star Other view
Jul 12 2020
205 Clustering the Stars Other view
Jul 13 2020
206 Base-32 Encoding Other view
Jul 14 2020
207 Suffix Array Other view
Jul 14 2020
208 Neighborhood of a String Other view
Jul 15 2020
209 Suffix Array Advanced Other view
Jul 16 2020
210 Ticket Puzzle Other view
Jul 17 2020
211 Information Entropy Other view
Jul 17 2020
214 Sick Travellers Other view
Jul 17 2020
215 Klotski Other view
Jul 22 2020
216 Cracking Linear Congruential Generator Other view
Jul 26 2020
218 Rain Must Fall Other view
Aug 1 2020
195 Mul Two Asm4004 view
Aug 1 2020
198 Prn Hex Str Asm4004 view
Aug 1 2020
197 Loops in Assembly Asm4004 view
Aug 1 2020
196 Fibonacci Randomizer Asm4004 view
Aug 1 2020
200 Fizz Buzz in Asm Asm4004 view
Aug 1 2020
219 Neural Network Calculation Other view
Aug 22 2020
220 Neural Network Training Other view
Aug 22 2020
187 Static Web Page Other view
Aug 22 2020
188 Basics of HTML Other view
Aug 22 2020
189 Dynamic Web Page Other view
Aug 22 2020
190 Query String Parameters Other view
Aug 22 2020
199 Employees Web App Other view
Aug 22 2020
222 Easter Eggs Advanced Other view
Jan 23 2021