Enumerating Combinations

Problem #129

Tags: combinatorics puzzle c-1 c-0

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Supposing you are already acquainted with Combinations let us write a program for generating and enumerating them in order.

We'll use sets of up to 36 elements and for simplicity they are marked with digits of numeral system with base of 36:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Obviously, combinations could be ordered lexicographically. For example for combinations of 3 elements chosen from the set of (0 1 2 3 4) - i.e. C(5,3) we have the following 10 possible combinations, sorted in ascending order:

0:   0 1 2
1:   0 1 3
2:   0 1 4
3:   0 2 3
4:   0 2 4
5:   0 3 4
6:   1 2 3
7:   1 2 4
8:   1 3 4
9:   2 3 4

You can easily write a simple algorithm from this example - like recursively increasing rightmost value, then one preceeding it etc. However it is not quite fast and you may want to find some optimization for it.

Problem statement

Write a program which for given N, K and I will produce I-th combination of K elements from N.

Input data will contain the amount of testcases in the first line.
Following lines will have single test-case each, formed of three values N, K and I with the following limits: N <= 36, K <= N, 0 < I < C(N,K).
Answer should give the required combinations.


input data:
5 3 2
30 15 0
36 16 7307872109

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