Stream Cipher Breaking

Problem #132

Tags: strings ascii cryptography c-1 c-0 popular-algorithm

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Infamous Enigma machine is also
an example of sophisticated stream cipher

This task was inspired by the first exercise of the Cryptography I course held by Stanford University at Coursera. However it is not exactly the same exercise and input data are surely different.

Stream cipher is the core idea behind many encryption algorithms. It consists of the following steps:

For examle, suppose we want to encrypt the phrase Hello, World! and we generate the key by the formula:

key(i) = (i * 51 + 13) % 256

To be able to operate with letters we'll use their ASCII codes. We'll use XOR as operation to encode letter value with key value. And as for resulting values let's convert them to hexadecimal.

Here is what we get with such method:

Letters:    H   e   l   l   o   ,       W   o   r   l   d   !

ASCII:      72 101 108 108 111  44  32  87 111 114 108 100  33

Key:        13  64 115 166 217  12  63 114 165 216  11  62 113

Result:     69  37  31 202 182  32  31  37 202 170 103  90  80

Hex:        45  25  1f  ca  b6  20  1f  25  ca  aa  67  5a  50

This encryption is strong as long as key generation algorithm is not too simple. However it could be easily broken if we encrypt several messages with the same key sequence!

Now you are to try it yourself. Really there could be several approaches, but you are adviced to use the idea described below.

What if we have two messages encrypted with the same key? We can XOR their bytes pair-wise to eliminate the values of the key. Suppose that two original messages have letters A and B at some i-th position. Their encrypted values became A^K and B^K where K is the key value for the same position. And if we xor them together:

A^K  ^  B^K  = A ^ K ^ B ^ K = A ^ B ^ K ^ K = A ^ B ^ 0 = A ^ B

Of course the result we have - two letters xored - is not too informative. But what if one of the letters was a space?

We know that ASCII code for space is 0x20, while codes for capital letters fall in range 0x40-0x5f and for small letters they fall in range 0x60-0x7f.

This makes it possible to distinguish spaces in original lines (if we have more than two). And when we know position of spaces, we can find out key values at these positions. Well, the rest is up to you!

Note that you could not expect all bytes of the key to be found programmatically. So you will probably get not completely decrypted message at first but then you will be able to substitute some missing or wrong letters and find out more values of the key.

Input data will contain the number of encrypted strings in the first line.
Next lines will contain encrypted strings in form of hexadecimal values separated by dots.
Answer should contain the decryption of the last string.

For the sake of simplicity strings are stripped of any punctuations, so they contain only letters and spaces. They are fragments of the famous text in English. On the other hand they are not necessarily whole sentences.


input data:

I am on duty
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