Task 103 - is it NP-Complete?

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YetAnotherMinion     2015-07-16 03:57:00

Am I right in thinking this problem is NP-complete? It seems to me to be pretty much the same as finding a subset that sums up to a given constant, except here we use XOR instead. Is there some property of XOR that makes solving this problem different from the subset-sum problem? I have a naive DFS solution that solves the problem but is very slow because it is a full tree traversal and will permute the solutions.

I just wanted to check that I have the correct approach, or is there some other way I should be approaching this problem? For the full subset-sum problem I did not see a good dynamic programming method, other than smartly structuring the traversal as to not permute the solutions. I am of course only touching each egg once since A ^ A = 0.

I am writing the full C solution, but I need to make my own set, so it is not quite done. It will be faster because it will not permute the solutions and it has a better heruistic for branching, however at the heart it is still exponential. I just wanted to make sure I am not barking up the wrong tree before I implement this approach fully.

Rodion (admin)     2015-07-16 04:51:37
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Hi! Thanks for an interesting question!

To be honest I do not know / do not remember well. When I created the problem, I think I've made limits small so that bruteforce should work.

However I think you can regard the problem as the system of linear equations over GF(2). If I am correct in this, complexity should be about O(N^3) with Gauss method, for example.

E.g. touching an egg is setting Xi to 1 and their resulting colors are Yj. So the mapping which egg colors which is just a square matrix:

Yj = sum(Aij * Xi, i = 1..N) mod 2

Where Aij is 1 if touching the egg i changes the color of the egg j.

I do not mean I'm ready to write this solution at once :)

Guy Gervais     2015-07-16 11:33:46
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You might be overthinking it. It's definitely solvable in polynomial time, so not NP.

With 20 eggs the solution can require you to touch between 1 and 20 eggs, so at most, 2^20 (~1,000,000) possibilities.

The problem is definitely solvable in a few seconds (and I'm using VB... with C I would expect below 1 second).

Rodion (admin)     2015-07-16 12:23:39
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> With 20 eggs the solution can require you to touch between 1 and 20 eggs, so at most, 2^20

I think the author of the question meant that for N eggs you get O(2^N) complexity which is not polynomial... Well if I get it right myself :)

Guy Gervais     2015-07-16 16:06:12
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Oops. My bad. With 2^N, the algo does require "super-polynomial time"...

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