
Programming Languages Popularity in Education

We can count what languages users of CodeAbbey use most heavily. This can be used as a reference about the languages used for education. Here is a page with current languages popularity, updated constantly - and below we'll be adding some "snapshots" of these data for history.

Historical listing includes only top-significant languages since for more rarely used results may be too imprecise. Also please note that data are "accumulating", i.e. they count all solutions submitted since site's beginning back in 2013 (up till given month).

By Users

        Sep 23

Python  43.43%
Java    18.7%
C/C++   18.04%
C#      9.5%
JS      5.17%
PHP     1.2%
Ruby    0.78%
Go      0.36%

By Solutions

Python  41.21%
C/C++   18.96%
Java    17.98%
C#      9.65%
JS      3.7%
PHP     1.09%
Ruby    1.08%
Go      0.59%