
First Programming Language for Beginners

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What programming language is the most popular among beginners?

If I switch to the ranking page here, at CodeAbbey, I see here currently over 8200 participants. I can use filters by programming language to see what they prefer:

most popular programming languages at CodeAbbey

or in plain numbers:

Python      2630        31.7%

Java        1738        21.0%

C++         1686        20.3%

C#          699          8.4%

JS          535          6.5%

others      1002        12.1%

Of course these stats could be somewhat imprecise (for example because not all languages are thought useful for problem solving - that is why PHP and JS has lower percent here - and Java has some advantage because some percent of users come here from java forum) - however the main idea is clear.

In total the five languages cover almost 88%, so Python is the obvious leader. Why is it so?

I suspect the following points make it very suitable to start learning:

The main disadvantage of Python, as for me, is the existence of not well compatible 2-nd and 3-rd versions. However if you start learning it - prefer 3-rd version, it is more contemporary (while 2-nd is still more widely used in industry - but things are going to change, I hope).

If you want to start right now, you can go with the problems on this site - after solving any of them, take care to browse some of others' solutions to see how other people do this.

You may want to read Official Python 3 Tutorial and other pieces of documentation - or try some book or resource like Learn Python The Hard Way. Good luck!