Problem 144 Modular Inverse - sometimes solutions exist

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GlideThestral     2015-11-18 19:07:48

In program statement there is line:

Answer should give value x for each case or -1 (not valid value) if solution do not exist.

Second example is M=57, A=42, B=30 with answer -1.

But solutions set of 42 * x + 30 = 0 (mod 57) is not empty, there are 3 solutions: x=2, x=21 and x=40. So why -1?

Rodion (admin)     2015-11-19 05:39:14
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Hi, Andrey! Thank you for pointing this out!

Hm... That's embarrasing - looks like a bug. :( I'll go and investigate it right now!

UPD I see my fault. If gcd(A, M) > 1 then there is no modular inverse, but there still can exist solution if B is divisible by this gcd. I'll try to improve the checker to handle this - thanks a lot once more!


I've slightly updated the problem so that such cases are not generated (cheating!) as the problem is about inverse, not about equation :)

As a sidenote, after some meditation it seems to me that:

  • equation has solutions only when B % gcd(A, M) == 0;
  • there are exactly gcd(A, M) different solutions.

Perhaps we can have a separate problem for this, but I'm not sure it is interesting...

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