Playfair Cipher Cracking - 240

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v.osidach     2022-01-30 15:13:54
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Hey there,

I need a help in understanding the task. I've written a code which works fine with examples (programming and 63 lines). But it doesn't work with test data.

Probably the issue is that I'm using wrong key to decode? Which one should be used? I tried with both "quickbrownfxmpsvethlazydg" and "wilamshkeprbcdfgnoqtuvxyz" but receive wrong answer.

What I've missed?


gardengnome     2022-01-30 15:25:47
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This task is about working out what the right key for decoding is, and then use it to decode the first 70 characters of the encrypted text. In other words, your answer should be 70 characters long and it should be text that makes sense and that you can read.

v.osidach     2022-01-30 15:36:54
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Oh... And how to find such key? Any hints for algorythm?

gardengnome     2022-01-30 15:44:47
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That's exactly the "key callenge" :) of this problem, and makes it probably one of the hardest problems published on this site to date. The second sentence of my previous reply contains a small hint ...

v.osidach     2022-01-30 15:50:50
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Ok, got it. Thanks for reply, gardengnome!

Rodion (admin)     2022-01-30 16:08:24
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Some ideas on decryption are also given in wikipedia article on the cipher... If it may console you, I myself was able to create only imperfect decoder... :)

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