Wahyu Setianto is ready for certificate

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Hyuto     2020-06-09 17:06:12
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Hi. Idk how to start this, but i've been programming intensively for this past 8 month. I joined to solve problem at this site maybe at 2018 by force of my teacher. I don't think programming was such a good way to go back then since my major don't really have connection with it, btw i'm on second years of collage applied for Statistics :). Since i hear of Data Science and Data Analyst i start to take a look of programming again(and fall for it). And yeah i working to solve problem at this site for this last 3-4 month. It such a great experience to study here since i don't study such as dinamic programming etc at class. Thx a lot to the admin who create and run this site for free cause learn at internet nowdays never stop asking for money and credit cards.

Thank you so much and Sorry for my bad english.

Rodion (admin)     2020-06-27 07:22:07
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Hi Friend!

I'm very sorry for so long delay, but now your certificate is ready and attached to your profile! Thanks for your patience! (picture may be not visible for some minutes while github cache is updated)

Also thanks for your story - it's quite valuable to know how people come to programming and to problem-solving in it. It was very interesting that you told you initially didn't get much excited about coding but year or two later become driven with it :)

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