Hello from Marco

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Marco Bolis     2019-07-15 12:30:37


I'm Marco from Italy. Today, I'm 34.

I'm a full-stack developer at Sorint.LAB, a software integrator based in my home city, Bergamo.
I also am in charge of teaching and training new developers, mainly on Java, JavaScript and web application development.

When I'm not working, I enjoy DIY (woodworks, book binding, analog sound synthesis) and spending time with my 3 children.

I really like this site and I'm already learning very much from the many proposed problems.
I write my solutions mainly in JavaScript, because I feel confident with it and I find it very pleasing to prototype code with (no pun intended ;-)
I hope anybody else is having a good time here!

See you around,

Rodion (admin)     2019-07-15 13:21:23
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Hello, Marco!

Best wishes to you on your birthday - and among them wishes of enjoying every day with your life style and occupations! Happiness to you and your family!

While woodworks and book binding are things at least comprehensible to me, I'm not sure I understand exactly what may "analog sound synthesis" mean, though I have some experience in electronics etc :)

sincerely yours, Rodion

Marco Bolis     2019-07-27 13:37:30

About "analog sound synthesis", it means you make sounds with analog circuitry.
There are many ways of doing it, the simplest yet interesting enough being (in my opinion) feeding the output of a square wave oscillator into a low-pass filter.
Make the oscillator's pitch and filter's frequency and Q variable through a potentiometer and you got yourself a nice (albeit crude) synthesizer ;-)

Have a nice day,

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