Big Numbers - A proposed new problem

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CSFPython     2023-11-29 09:06:13

This problem relates to a numeric ordering system.

Rodion (admin)     2023-11-29 09:42:36
User avatar

Clive, thank you, the problem is ready (as usually, everything works immediately after copy-pasting the files you prepared)! Initially I thought it is something about long arithmetics which is also called "big numbers" in some libraries and languages, but no, it is about some magic of the digits :)

kostis_k     2024-01-18 17:23:11
User avatar

Thanks for the problem, Clive! It was the right amount of challenging

CSFPython     2024-01-18 19:30:38


I'm pleased that you liked it. Hopefully I can come up with a few more that capture your interest.

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