Problem Idea Polynomial Root Finding

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Vadim Pelyushenko     2022-02-18 08:22:03
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Generate N degree polynomials and ask solver to find all N (possibly complex number) roots, that are close enough within some margin of error.

Rodion (admin)     2022-02-19 08:28:17
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Vadim, Hi! And thanks for suggestion!

The problem is cool when one is to implement the algorithm from scratch (even cooler because it allows more than one approach, I think).

Additionally it is nice that writing generator/checker for this problem is easier than solving it. ha-ha-ha :)

However I foresee that most solutions would look like calling numpy.roots as Python is most popular language here currently - and many people use it in installations including popular libraries like numpy and scipy. Similar method exists in Matlab/Octave...

I think I shall take a time to think a bit - perhaps we can convert it to some different space, for which no ready library methods exist... Other approach could be to implement some specific method with some specific precision (e.g. as we did with "Square root" problem)... Need to study possible approaches :)

Vadim Pelyushenko     2022-02-19 09:19:07
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Ah, yeah, didn't think of the fact that library methods probably exist to solve it. We'll see what you come up with :P

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