Minor error in description of Problem 141 (Sliding Window Search)

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jalksdfjasfdl     2020-06-25 15:44:29


According to the problem description, the positions in the input data are one-based: "Second line contains exactly such amount of positions Pi for i=1..N for which the search should be done."

But as far as I have noticed, the positions are zero-based, so the correct text would be: "Second line contains exactly such amount of positions Pi for i=0..N-1 for which the search should be done."

By the way: Thanks to Rodion and all other contributors for this great challenge site!


I confused something - there is no error.

jalksdfjasfdl     2020-06-25 15:47:41

Oh, sorry. N was the number of test cases, so the index-offset does not matter. So there is no error in the description.

Rodion (admin)     2020-06-27 06:49:23
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Thanks to Rodion and all other contributors for this great challenge site!

Hi Friend, thanks for your kind words!

Meanwhile may I ask you for a favor? Your haven't uploaded any solutions yet. While this is less or more ok for people who are just testing the site, it is not quite pleasing - as people will usually hit your empty solutions along with normal ones while studying problems post-mortem. That is not quite bad, of course, but a bit annoying.

Though probably I just should compose my brain and invent some feature to exclude people with empty solutions from search and ranking, which should be more convenient for you and everyone...

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