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pr_durgam.17je003008     2020-06-03 15:59:56

def fact(n): if n==0: return(1) else: return(n*fact(n-1))

def combination(n,r): if n>=r: return int(fact(n)/((fact(n-r))*(fact(r)))) else: return(0)

No=1 while No>0: Numberofdigits,Base=map(int,input().split()) if Numberofdigits%2==0: Numberofdigits=int(Numberofdigits/2) count=1 else: Numberofdigits=int((Numberofdigits-1)/2) count=2 Base=Base-1 Sum=NumberofdigitsBase t=0 if count==1: while Sum>=0: j=0 S=0 while Sum-j>=0: if (Sum-j)%(Base+1)==0: k=((-1)(int((Sum-j)/(Base+1))))(combination(Numberofdigits,int((Sum-j)/(Base+1))))(combination(j+Numberofdigits-1,j)) S=S+k j+=1 t=t+S*S Sum-=1 print(t) print(' ') if count==2: if Number_of_digits>0: while Sum>=0: j=0 S=0 while Sum-j>=0: if (Sum-j)%(Base+1)==0: k=((-1)(int((Sum-j)/(Base+1))))(combination(Numberofdigits,int((Sum-j)/(Base+1))))(combination(j+Numberofdigits-1,j)) S=S+k j+=1 t=t+SS Sum-=1 print(t*(Base+1)) print(' ') else: print(Base+1) print(' ') No-=1

where is my code going wrong
sontran     2020-06-03 18:21:17

You are losing precision in combination(n, r). For example, try (n, r) = (83, 67) or (89, 73). When replaced with correct values, your code produces correct answers.

pr_durgam.17je003008     2020-06-04 10:43:29

can i know how i could prevent from losing precision?( instead of using dynamic programming)

sontran     2020-06-04 18:17:51

There are definitely more efficient ways to calculate (n, r). One way is described in the "Combinations Counting" problem. Alternatively you can just use a built-in function from external libraries...

pr_durgam.17je003008     2020-06-05 11:03:32

thank you so much it worked

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