Adrian Tibocha is ready for a certificate

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chano9307     2021-02-14 20:25:40

Finally I was able to solve the 145 problems, I met codeabbey through a job interview where they recommended me to do exercises on their page, and I did one or the other when I could, although I supported myself in additional reading I always tried to partition the code to show that I understood it, some exercises were somewhat frustrating but ultimately rewarding, I look forward to getting the certificate and any additional feedback.

Lastly, sorry for my bad English, I'm not used to it.

Rodion (admin)     2021-02-19 09:10:13
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Adrian, Hi!

My congratulations - your path took considerable time, but it is good as, of course, the tougher challenge we feel, the more we improve and learn!

Your certificate is ready and attached to your profile!

I met codeabbey through a job interview where they recommended me to do exercises on their page

I'm really curious what the company or institution it was, if not a secret. You see, codeabbey is a small site and it is always surprise to learn some people know of it :)

I look forward to ... any additional feedback.

Browsing through your solutions I'd say your approach to coding is, well, mature :) So I guess you probably already work in some industrial projects and get further experience here... So there is not much to add. However Java is a vast field and there are always tons of frameworks, libraries and technologies - always much to learn. I myself now returned to java development from 3 years migration to bigdata field (which also uses java-related technologies heavily)...

chano9307     2021-03-14 14:01:12

Thanks, Rodion.

if I take a good time, but it was satisfying, I could not always dedicate time to it. I currently work as a backend developer and the concepts that I have been able to learn here have been of great help to me.

I'm not sure if mentioning the name of the company that recommended your site is fine :) so I'll just mention that the company is about ethical hacking. At that time it was a surprise to me because I did not even know about this type of web page.

Finally, thank you for your feedback :).

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