There isnt a Reset Password button

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normalnoseclown     2021-02-07 11:24:09

Today I was having trouble remembering my password, so I naturally just went for the "Screw it, I can reset it and move on" approach.

Except there isn't a reset password button anywhere in the website - at least in none of the places the Yandex search could find or in the places I'd think to look like the login page, Contacts and Support, Issues and Ideas or Privacy Policy.

Considering resetting passwords is stated as a feature of the website (and is the reason users' emails are asked in the normal account) this was a bit of a shock.

douteigami     2021-02-09 15:50:27
User avatar

i noticed this on the 8th. i was on a different computer and wanted to login but i didn't remember my password, as it was always just saved for me on my desktop. i couldn't find a reset password anywhere, so i ended up just making a throwaway account for that day. would be nice to have in the future

Rodion (admin)     2021-02-11 19:42:03
User avatar

Hi Friends!

isn't a reset password button anywhere in the website

that's very true, sorry :)

I even made some steps towards adding it, but there were some logical issues around it from the beginning, so I went rectifying them, etc, etc and lost impulse again at some point.

(and since oauth login (preferably github or google) are really preferable (for user's privacy) I always regarded login/password way as auxiliary)

These minor things are sometimes surprisingly hard to be implemented correctly.

But I'll try once again, I promice :)

Meanwhile, please, note - you should be able to add "via Github" login in profile settings - both for convenience, and to have an alternative way to login...

UPD functionality added, there should be link on login page now

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