RSA Cryptography

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Suman Dutta     2020-05-23 04:05:52

Can anyone tell me how to convert decipher value(int) to text in python

sontran     2020-05-23 04:13:31

You mean the "ASCII" code to text? chr(65) = "A". ord("A") = 65

Suman Dutta     2020-05-23 04:41:22

no I have decrypted value(not ASCII code) which is a long integer.i want to convert back to text

sontran     2020-05-23 05:17:35

There's a separator between the original text (ascii codes) and the added random stuff.

Suman Dutta     2020-05-23 05:35:50

can u tell me the algo behind it

Suman Dutta     2020-05-23 05:48:27

Thanks..I have solved it...forgot the separator part

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