Problem 137 Shannon-Fano coding

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kostis_k     2020-03-14 08:14:50
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Ok, this one trips me.

I get the codes alright, however the checker always has the following disagreement, or something similar along these lines, no matter what the input data

Example, with input data

questioning and rather startled gaze. doubt as to my conduct would bring the matter to an end." "'What then?' I asked. well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau, London--quite so! Your Majesty, as I understand, became entangled mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger, and a bulge

My answer is


And the expected answer is


Reading closely you will see that while I get the codes right, there are triplets like "100 IOOIO 108 IOOII 114 IOIO" or longer sequences later on (usually triplets) where the codes match but their sequence is altered.

My code works by working every depth level, so first it will return all -if any- codes with 0 or 1, then all codes with two digits, then all with three, etc etc, until they are depleted.

The checker presents me with a solution where 2 codes of depth 5 (100 and 108) are expected before a code of depth 4 (114). I don't get the logic behind that, in order to replicate it, and besides, it isn't a prerequisite of the problem, as I understand it. I have the codes alright. So, what am I to do here?

Rodion (admin)     2020-03-14 09:22:47
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Hi Friend!

Sorry, I'm a bit running to school right now, but if I understand you right, you get correct codes, but checker wants them in the order of tree traversal. Problem statement asks to:

output the results in the same order as the letters were sorted during the algorithm.

If this won't help, I'll try installing Matematica and check your solution more carefully. I didn't yet because I found it is proprietary, but I suspect it should have some trial version... :)

P.S. in other words this logic is like strings are just sorted as in alphabetical order (supposing O goes before I) without regard of their length. Really this helps searching for prefix when decoding.

kostis_k     2020-03-15 02:13:55
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output the results in the same order as the letters were sorted during the algorithm.

And that's what I should have paid attention to. Thanks for the clarification, I should have read more carefully. It was an easy fix after that.

As for Mathematica, while indeed proprietary and quite pricey, it comes bundled with the Rasbian OS for free (for personal use, as I recall), since 2013 and it is kept updated by Wolfram Research to this day!
Here is the first announcement, in 2013

Some might complain that it's closed source, a commercial product through and through, and I would agree that the price barrier is what keeps it from the hands of most people, especially since most programmers expect access to all languages to be free. Plus it ties me to a Raspberry Pi. However, it's a fantastic tool, with a great logic behind it, and I enjoy using it.

Perhaps this might help you if you want to, as an experienced programmer, understand what's what regarding the syntax
Fast introduction for programmers

Rodion (admin)     2020-03-15 06:55:16
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It was an easy fix after that.

Oh, great to hear this, thanks!

Some might complain that it's closed source, a commercial product through and through

I wouldn't complain about closed-sourcedness itself, and it's "orthogonal" to being commercial - really, many commercial products are open-source! It's just different business-model...

What I may complain, is that Mathematica is poorly accessible to community. Using with RPi is not an easy option for me because I usually switch between several computers during the week (I even checked for Raspbian virtual-box images).

Then I tried to register for free trial at Wolfram website - it asked carefully for various personal data, like address and zip-code and at last failed with

Something went wrong
Oops. An error occurred. Please try again later.
If you continue to experience a problem or if you have any questions, please contact us.

I don't blame Wolfram for this error (things happen) - but it is a good example why being somewhat more open usually benefit modern software products. Being too closed means the thing has far less popularity and less community support, and more difficult rivalry with other solutions...

(though I do know it is not just that easy to make solution "more open" - it requires much work first of all)

Oh, by the way, are you aware of Wolfram's prize for Rule30 problem?

I however browsed some videos and tutorials. It seems to use notebooks similar to those Jupyther with Python. As a "single-solution" Mathematica seem to be more "streamlined", but Python has immense use in math-related applications in industry - and hense zounds of tools and libraries, I suppose unknown to Mathematica (Wolfram just can't afford implementing everything on their own, right).

Another obvious competitor should be Matlab / Octave, which is also great tool, but I suspect the language itself is inferior to Mathematica. It was more for engineers who need math, rather than for mathematicians - and so started as numeric, not symbolic calculation tool (though now it supports both ways).

It would be interesting to get your opinion about more deep comparison somewhere in future. Python is really soaring during recent few years especially due to demand from math/research community :)

Perhaps this might help... Fast introduction for programmers

Yep, this helped much to get the feeling of the idea of very "polished" solution and the language looking much more modern compared to Matlab's :) I'll see if I can resolve problem with registration on their site later...

kostis_k     2020-03-15 22:31:11
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I can't really know what's up with their website. What I have done for a time, while away from home and in my early steps, was to go to Wolfram Programming Lab and type some basic stuff, though that also works in a kind of demo mode, for a limited number of inputs. Then I realised that my always on Pi desktop, where my development enviroment was ready to go, was just an ssh session away. I had Putty an RealVNC viewer all set up, and connecting would take less than a minute. So I may be bound to the Pi for programming but it's not unusual at all that I use it via VNC from my x86 machines, inside or outside of my local network. In fact, RealVNC is another example of a company that has embraced the Raspbbery Pi Foundation's educational purpose by providing proprietary software (the VNC server) for free, and I love it. It works really well.

As for adoption, I think it was a smart move on Wolfram's part to allow Pi users to just have Mathematica available, so that the next generation of developers come to know it and use it. It really shines in labs and research centers the way I hear it, but not many places elsewhere. Not many can afford the 300$ per year just to try out something new. That said, I would see it used from time to time on Project Euler, but I guess that's a different crowd, more math oriented, perhaps from academic background or related vocation, so with access to the tool somehow. Suffice it to say though that since been introduced to your site I have vastly expanded my knowledge of both the language and algorithms in general, thanks to the variety of problems, not just in the narrow spec of math.

You can certainly get my opinion on related topics in the future, though I doubt I would be very helpful in comparison situations. I haven't really used Python for anything. I actually found it quite boring on occasions when I attempted to start learning it. The only language I really know and use is Mathematica. I was drawn to it because of -among other qualities- the functional programming style that made me write meaningful and clean, yet compact code. What I could tell you then, if asked about anything, is how I would implement it in the language I know, which is pretty much what I've been doing these past couple of years. I am presently attempting to learn Haskell since: a) it works everywhere and b) they share quite a few underlying principles, but that's going slow so far.

So yeah, if you have the time and the will to give Mathematica a go, use that dusty Raspberry Pi of yours via VNC (Pi 3 or 4 would be preferable for acceptable Notebook responsiveness). Wolfram's Elementary introduction, which I wholeheartedly recommend, lays down all the basics, though a seasoned programmer will probably find it too elementary. Then there's always the little snippets of gold over at Mathematica Stack Exchange.

Rodion (admin)     2020-03-16 15:44:55
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Hi there! Thanks for detailed answer, as you may see, I'm fan of programming languages (though I believe all of them are bad, despite I used about a dozen professionally and another one or more for fun)!

was to go to Wolfram Programming Lab

Great, that's what I looked for. I was able now to have some hands-on experience. I'd say Mathematica seems similary in its functional expressions to Scala or Haskell - though some features (like scopes for block and module syntax is heavily reminding of LISP languages.

Also I was now able to look more thoroughly at your solutions :)

smart move on Wolfram's part to allow Pi users to just have Mathematica available, so that the next generation of developers come to know it and use it.

well, yes for first part, but as Pi is quite a niche product, though popular, I believe they'll need something more for successful marketing. Like allowing to store snippets in Wolfram Programming Lab and share them by link (like ideone or jsfiddle does).

I haven't really used Python for anything.

Honestly, I'm sure you are doomed to, if you are going to stay in math-related programming - and even more so, if not :) See, I googled for "Mathematica Neural Networks" to find out they were included in version 11 (though they are regarded as quite outdated). I found they even added HadoopLink in 2013, though by this time world ceased to write map-reduce programs directly and shifted to Spark (or Hive sometimes). In this manner there are zounds of popular things demanded by society - and I don't believe Wolfram has capacity to implement them all in time with current proprietary model. Perhaps they'll find out some "semi-open" way for cooperation with community, however.

What I could tell you then, if asked about anything, is how I would implement it in the language I know

That would be good :) for example your "Primes generation" is really not a solution, as it simply uses built-in Prime[...] function. I was asked to code primes generation at some interview once, and then was asked:

  • what algorithm have you used
  • what alternative algorithm you could use
  • what are their time complexities?

It is hard to answer any of these with your code. Wolfram doesn't disclose how Prime works and even with what asymptotics. In industrial solution this means it couldn't be relied upon. In educational context it just doesn't teach one anything :)

So you may try spending few minutes to implement typical "trial division" algorithm. What I'm curious about is:

  • how elegant or clumsy it will look (there are two nested loops with couple of break conditions in the innner one)
  • how fast it works, say, for 199999 or for million-th number.

Another similar case is with "Levenshtein Distance". Using ready function of course bereaves you of chance to practice dynamic programming - and also Damereau-Levensthein is slightly different, though test-cases won't catch it.

I am presently attempting to learn Haskell

Oh, good luck with it! I had interview for some company using it couple years ago. And spent a week on test project. I suspect I was glad I was rejected :) Honestly, I don't agree it is much similar to Mathematica. Only in expession style. But Haskell is crazy on types and functional purity. I'm not sure you usually find it in Mathematica and this may be hard.

Honestly, I believe it is why Haskell is still not quite alive in industry. I first heard of it and tried 20 years ago - and already people told it is the future of programming...

Rodion (admin)     2020-03-16 15:55:50
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if you have the time and the will to give Mathematica a go

Honestly, it seems that generally it is not easy to find much use for it. I can't use it for some server scripts or tools, for example. I can't use it in microcontrollers (electronics is my hobby). It doesn't look to give something extraordinary as a language (compared to similar functional ones, e.g. Scala or python with nympy/scipy frameworks). It really provides useful math tools, so perhaps I'll turn to it whenever I want to solve yet another problem at ProjectEuler. :)

I'm not still sure how good or bad it is in "pure implementational" tasks. We do not have many - perhaps, "Klotski" is nice trial... But of those you solved, look at "Dijkstra in the Network", for example.

I was asked about it twice at interview (though last time not at job interview - rather for master program in university) - after one describes general idea, there are questions about time complexity. For "Dijkstra" it is fruitful question because it depends on which data structures you use.

With your code it is not easy to answer, because we are not sure about some Mathematica's operations. But even more, here is a line, for example:

First@Sort[unvisitedVertices, ...]

it seems you are using sorting with O(N*logN) speed instead of just seeking for extremum with O(N). If I'm right, it is typical problem of "too functional" approach :)

kostis_k     2020-03-18 14:04:52
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for example your "Primes generation" is really not a solution, as it simply uses built-in Prime[...] function.

Busted :D

I agree with all your points, but I believe some background information is important. I am not a professional programmer, and closing to 40 it's unlikely programming will become a profession for me. I've been seeing listings though since the 8-bit days, and I always wondered how it all works. I didn't have access to a computer when it mattered for turning my interest into a job, nor information on languages, books etc. Nowadays, the sky is the limit. This, solving problems in Project Euler, Codeabbey and the likes, is a hobby for me, and a very rewarding one. I love that little rush of dopamine you get when especially after a tricky problem and many days of thinking and trying you get to see the green letters saying you're correct. (I opened a bottle of wine after Necklace Count, honestly!) So, for me the "job" that needs to be done is just that, getting the results right and climbing one more step up the abbey hierarchy :)

I will also admit that I've used the Prime[] function in Project Euler, in one of those early problems. I was even very excited that I had this awesome programming language with all the ready functions that would solve all the problems automatically in a breeze! Those other suckers have no idea! It didn't take too long for that illusion to dissolve, mind you. That said, I don't agree with reinventing the wheel. I think it's just another impractical fantasy. If there is infrastracture in place, you can be certain I'm going to use it, to move forward, if that's appropriate for the given task and serves my purpose. Same way I use the Sort[] function in Mathematica I would use the ready sort() function in Python. Sure, I have access to the source in the latter, and I can see the implementation. Do I need to sort a billion entries for database work? Perhaps I will have to dig deeper. Sorting for a codeabbey problem? Yeah, the built-in function at hand will do the trick, probably. And if not, then we study, watch youtube lectures, and try again, with a new method.

Working through the problems in your site has helped me build confidence in my self, learn the particular tool I use better, but also expand my knowledge into learning algorithms, acquiring language-independent knowledge, which I guess is your ultimately goal through this site. You can be certain it works, definitely if one wants to progress to problems 100 onward, assuming one works through them in numerical order, independent of difficulty based on solvers. I had skipped Paths in the Grid, and Sweet Harvest, because I couldn't work out the dynamic-programming approach, and when I got to Levenshtein Distance, I considered it low hanging fruit having a built-in function. I went for it. Is it cheating? In a way, I guess. There came a time later on, when I read -and watched- more about dynamic programming, came back and solved what held me back. I got a book on algorithms, an introduction by Thomas Cormen, and read all about sorting algorithms, their pros and cons. Fascinating stuff! Also, quite mind-blowing how one could come up with some of those approaches! Does that mean I will stop using the built in sorting function to solve problems? Definitely not, unless, like I said, niche case.

So you may try spending few minutes to implement typical "trial division" algorithm. What I'm curious about is: how elegant or clumsy it will look (there are two nested loops with couple of break conditions in the innner one) how fast it works, say, for 199999 or for million-th number.

Learing algorithms for finding primes is to this day in my to-do list. I'm here because I like knowing things, and because I enjoy a good puzzle as much as anyone, though I'm definitely no genious. So I can definitely try, and be back with my approach and results.

kostis_k     2020-03-19 01:03:33
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So, in order to satisfy your curiosity, here is a quick and dirty implementation of the trial division algorithm, a primality test for a single integer

primeTest[number_Integer?(# >= 2 &)] := 
     Module[{},If[Divisible[number, #] == True, Throw[False]]; # + 1] &, 
     2, # <= Floor[Sqrt[number]] &] > 0, True]

I suppose it doesn't look very readable at first glance, I assure you it is when you get familiar with it, and all it really says is that for given number n cycle through integers 2 to sqrt(n) one by one, and if a divisor is found break out of the loop and return False as output. If not the final output will be sqrt(n), or closest Integer, thus the function will conclude the number is prime.

If I call this function with

primeTest@199999 // RepeatedTiming

I get {0.0193, True}. The first is the average time in seconds over multiple executions of the same function.

For n=1000000 it's {0.0000465, False} and for n=1000001 it's {0.0062, False}. I guess it has to do with the fact that the sqrt of 1000000 is much easier to calculate than with the other two.

Rodion (admin)     2020-03-19 07:58:53
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primeTest@199999 // RepeatedTiming

But if I get it right, this is different thing - your function just tests if given number is prime - not searches for the N-th prime? It's about N times easier in the matter of complexity :)

I guess it has to do with the fact that the sqrt of 1000000 is much easier to calculate than with the other two.

Honestly, I don't think so :) Your code won't calculate till square root if the number is not prime, right? :)

Trying with some prime, like primeTest@2038074751 // Timing it makes over a second at wolfram lab...

kostis_k     2020-03-22 16:22:33
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But if I get it right, this is different thing - your function just tests if given number is prime - not searches for the N-th prime?

Yeah, I realized what you were asking for after revisiting problem 61. So I gave a go at trial division, like so

knownPrimes = {2, 3, 5};

trialDivision[number_Integer] := 
 Which[Divisible[number, 5] == True, Nothing, 1 == 1, 
     If[Divisible[number, i] == True, Throw[Nothing], Nothing], {i, 
      TakeWhile[knownPrimes, # <= Sqrt[number] &]}] // 
   If[# === {}, number, #] &]

primeNoX[number_Integer] := 
 Which[number <= Length@knownPrimes, Extract[knownPrimes, {number}], 
  1 == 1, (NestWhile[
    Module[{}, AppendTo[knownPrimes, trialDivision[#]]; # + 2] &, 
    Last[knownPrimes] + 2, Length@knownPrimes < number &]; 

A quick explanation. The trialDivision function checks the given number for divisibility against already found primes, stored in the knownPrimes list, and returns the number if it's a prime or nothing otherwise. The primeNoX function loops until the nth prime is found, if it's not in the list already. Is this a bad implementation? Probably, because it took ~14 hours to get to the 199999th prime (2750131 - I ran "primeNoX@199999 // AbsoluteTiming"). And there I was thinking that checking only against primes would save time.

By the way, the built-in Prime[199999] took a fraction of a milisecond, which looks suspiciously like pulling the result from a precomputed list. I mean, come on, is there really an algorithm that fast?

So you may try spending few minutes to implement typical "trial division" algorithm

Ha! If only it were a few minutes :) Depending on my spare time I'll try the sieve of Eratosthenes, though that seems more complicated...

Anyway, the code is here to satisfy your curiosity, as requested, not to act as an exemplary piece of algorithm implementation. Thanks for your replies!

Rodion (admin)     2020-03-23 08:48:34
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Oh! Thanks a lot for example and explanations - it seems to be extremely educative!

it took ~14 hours

Well, this definitely should not be so... Which means - here is some ineffectiveness we don't see at first.

After some struggling with Wolfram Lab, documentation etc (and thanks again for your hints showing some features) - here we are with example of constructing single list of values {1, 3, 5, 7...}:

  {m={1}},While[Length[m] < n,AppendTo[m,Length@m *2+1]];Last@m];
f[100000] // AbsoluteTiming

(* yields {33.6321,199999} *)

And here if I call it for 10 times smaller value, e.g. f[10000] it works only in 0.3 sec. You see, increasing input 10 times we get 100 times longer run. Very clear it is "non-linear time complexity", but rather square-time, O(N^2)...

I googled about "wolfram list efficiency" and at soon have come to interesting statement in the definition of AppendTo:

AppendTo[s,elem] is equivalent to s=Append[s,elem].

But Append makes a copy of the original list (because it wants to preserve original list - perhaps it is assigned to some other variable still) - so does AppendTo. To copy list of N elements we generally need time proportional to N... And we repeat it N times - that's how we get O(N*N) time.

Documentation suggests use Sow and Reap instead but I don't know yet what they are. Instead I can use pre-built array:

  {m=ConstantArray[1,n],i=1},While[i < n,m[[i+1]]=i *2+1;i++];Last@m];
f[100000] // AbsoluteTiming

(* yields {0.590922,199999} *)

So I believe your code can be dramatically sped up in the same manner (using ConstantArray for 199999 values and having some len variable to point to current last prime in it instead of Length@knownPrimes). If you don't find time to try this experiment, I'll try myself a bit later for I'm curious to know the real performance.

built-in Prime[199999] took a fraction of a milisecond - is there really an algorithm that fast?

That's really interesting. Trial divison even written in optimal way won't work even near that fast. Neither Eratosthenes, I believe. I suspect they may store some "milestone" primes and use some advanced primality test algorithms...

kostis_k     2020-04-03 22:28:17
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Thanks for that enlightening insight into how a real programmer would think. I followed your suggestions and tried a couple of different things. Most notably, I worked with Block[] and a constant array as it really does make a world of difference, but other than that, I ditched calling a separate function, just in case it caused overhead. So, I ended up with just one function, although the result is not as readable for my taste. Also, I gained a slight increase by calculating the root of the number just once for every number. Plus I gained a small but sizeable speed gain from coverting the root to Integer with Floor[], since comparing every time to a Float or worse a symbolic representation is expensive. All in all, calling primeNoX@199999 took "just" 570 seconds, which is loads better than 14 hours, but still a far cry from a second as described in Problem #61. I will paste the code and call it quits. I sincerely can't think of anything at this point that could make my implementation faster.

primeNoX[number_Integer] := 
 Block[{knownPrimes = ConstantArray[10^5, number], arrayPointer = 3, 
   primePointer = 1, currentNumber = 5, isPrime = True}, 
  knownPrimes[[1]] = 2; knownPrimes[[2]] = 3; 
  While[arrayPointer <= number,
   Block[{root = Floor@Sqrt[currentNumber]}, 
    While[knownPrimes[[primePointer]] <= root, 
     Which[Divisible[currentNumber, knownPrimes[[primePointer]]] == 
       True, isPrime = False; Break[],
      1 == 1, primePointer++]]];
   If[isPrime == False, isPrime = True; 
    currentNumber = currentNumber + 2; primePointer = 1,
    knownPrimes[[arrayPointer]] = currentNumber; primePointer = 1; 
    currentNumber = currentNumber + 2; arrayPointer++]]; 
kostis_k     2020-04-03 22:35:47
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I would be very happy with this final piece of code if I had to use it to solve Problem #61. I would still try to explain how others might need just a second to find the solution, however I would not have called five minutes of execution time unreasonable for solving the problem. The Raspberry Pi 4 is slower than a desktop PC but not 500 times slower. Maybe Mathematica is just more convenient with all it's bells and whistles than it is fast. Plus it's interpreted

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