Checker not working for Color Cubes Advanced

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LiamGoddard     2022-03-11 02:53:12

Hi! I attempted to complete the Color Cubes Advanced problem, and came up with a solution that produced a satisfying score of 9204875. However, the checker responds with: "Answer should consist of even amount of values" I'm sure that my answer does, in fact, have an even amount of values, because: A) My code is written so that it prints pairs of X and Y; B) It executed perfectly in the github simulation ([underscore]adv.html); C) I ran a separate program, taking my answer as input, to count the values, and it returned "9116" which is an even number. So I have to assume that there's something wrong with your checker. Could you take a look at it?

Rodion (admin)     2022-03-11 03:38:38
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Hi Friend!

You just were outputting an extra space in the end and checker was stupid enough to just split by spaces, so it got extra empty value in the end. You could simply trim the trailing space to get through. Though now I added trim to checker itself, so all should be fine :)

Thanks for your report, though I dare to say that generally it is worth for programmer to be more cunning/persistent in figuring out even other's bugs :)

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