Dmitriy Indyukov is ready for certificate

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SalemSaberhagen     2020-05-03 00:09:22
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Hi! Even though I'm more about system administration / infosec now, I like to put my nose into different things (and not only about IT - one day i woke up and thought: "I want to know more about human anatomy, because why not"). And coding is no exception. I've started programming in the elementary school, when I was trying to self-learn Macromedia Flash. It uses ActionScript to make flash movies interactive. After that I tried other things, starting with Basic (and VB.Net), Pascal (and Delphi) and then going with more "modern" languages like C#, F# etc. In the early days of university I've stumbled upon Project Euler and used it for some time to solidify my knowledge about math-related problems. Time has passed, coding didn't become a priority for me and nowadays more often than not I'd need to debug something, not write it up. In the early February i've decided to take some time to learn more about Python and my friend recommended me this site. First half of the path to Stargazer was simple, but after that it became more interesting and tricky. A pleasurable experience indeed. Thank you for making such a wonderful site (also I like the overall design - quite charming).

P.S. The first letter in the surname is capital "i"

Rodion (admin)     2020-05-08 10:45:02
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Dmitry, Hi!

Thanks a lot for your curious story - and for your persistence! And sorry for delay - but here is your certificate, attached to your profile now - congratulations!

P.S. My cat watches your profile:

Saffi the Cat

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