Submit button not working properly

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DevastatingRPG     2019-07-07 04:54:10

I encountered a bug where the sort indexes problem with id 29 is just not getting submitted for me. I tried around 5 times, each time it is showing that the solution is correct, but when i go back to the task list it is still unsolved and I cant see any other solutions. Please check if this is specific to me or an actual bug :)

Rodion (admin)     2019-07-07 06:11:25
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I've just received a notice for some other colleague, seemingly, about the same trouble. So it is probably not only for you :(

I'm going to investigate what's happening, sorry for inconveninence!

Rodion (admin)     2019-07-07 06:51:40
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UPD I'm sorry to say so, but it seems the hosting database was (is?) having troubles and at least some solutions were not written into it during last hours :(

I've tried to take some emergency measures and now continue investigation. Probably even if the glitch itself is fixed, the lost solutions may need to be submitted again. I'm very sorry, for, honestly, I never thought such things may happen to infrastructure which is provided by hosting itself...

Rodion Go     2019-07-07 07:09:50

UPD2 supposedly problem happened today at around 1:00 UTC and hopefully we have it repaired by 6:50 - but I'm afraid that solutions submitted during these hours may be lost and need to be resubmitted :(

One of the side-effects is that count of solved tasks in user profile may be wrong (supposedly it was incremented on every commit which wasn't writing solution to database). I'll try to fix this...

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