Error on calling interpreter

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Vadim Pelyushenko     2022-02-19 00:42:24
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My last attempt on Problem #223 ended up with "Error on calling interpreter" and suggests that I should report as possible bug.

Also, how can I write a function where I only display the numbers and not return #t? In my last solution to get around this I just returned the last number in the sequence so as not to have #t appear in output when testing on

gardengnome     2022-02-19 02:16:48
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I think the use of (display ...) is ok, even with the #t.

Vadim Pelyushenko     2022-02-19 04:24:03
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... I changed it to just use (display ...) only (as opposed to using display for all but the last value and returning the last value), and allow the #t and now it works. I think I probably had something else wrong when I had it with the #t before.


Rodion (admin)     2022-02-19 08:03:25
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Hi, thanks for report - though peeking into error log, I see it looked like temporary outage of the site on which we host the interpreter... We shall see, if problem persists - perhaps need to move it somewhere else...

and not return #t

I'm not sure - there definitely were ideas of implementations which allowed returning some curious values (even mysterious #void) - but all this seems a bit unnatural for language pretending to be "functional" - and since there is no much reason in not returning true, seems they haven't got much popularity...

BTW, congrats on adding this nice picture, gardengnome :)

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