Error on RegExp wrong answer page

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Marco Bolis     2019-07-15 12:41:35


I would like to report a problem I encountered on the "Wrong" page for RegExp tasks.
In the "Expected answer was" box, instead of just values, I got some HTML, formatted like this:

Sorry, for test data<br/><br/> ... <br/><br/>Your code returned<br/><br/> ...

The "Your answer was" box is instead OK.

Of course this is not a blocking problem, but I thought I would report it nonetheless, hoping it would help improve users' experience.


Rodion (admin)     2019-07-15 13:07:15
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Marco, Hello!

Thanks for reporting this! Definitely we'd better have this fixed for this problem for this often causes significant amount of bewilderment among people even without bugs... I'll look into it a bit later!

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