[Task 152] Can anybody check me for mistakes?

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Andrey Chadin     2020-11-04 16:15:08
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What's we have? p,q,e(65537), encryptMessage;

we take n = pq;
phi(n) = n-p-q-1;//value of Euler function(n) = (p-1)(q-1);
we find d, which must (de) % phi(n) == 1 After this, with fast POW find (encryptMessage ^ d) % n, yes?
May be i have some trouble in theory, cause its my message^d%n after switch pairs to char symbols:
=H0c]N5:L  =";S]bM&UI3 ICc8I[:DB 8>DXTHB')8AR!L^aSK)/+ /
but its not test answer in this task
Can anybody give me what's values of phi(n), n, d, encryptMessage^d%n he got in test case? My values:
n = 920642980709974515000775919640344897367133070562042495644478080543960779483264702634750272186478147
phi(n) = 920642980709974515000775919640344897367133070561981805699829787986779100184990937281437792157340960
d = 797655518724900024578086550635794497189382333836618259780699986594828735930911628556610780387844033
encryptMessage^d%n = 201195236029088370528611870088471049198249763634477639119711918107141478240936778844741316129780980

I really apologize if I distracted anyone. When I was trying to optimize the exponentiation function, I did not notice a small and stupid mistake. Is there any way I can delete my message so that it doesn’t hurt my eyes with my mistakes?

crydolphin666     2020-11-04 17:31:07

Hi. Can you provide test data (p, q and message)?

Andrey Chadin     2020-11-05 00:40:26
User avatar

@crydolphin666: its test data from common test of task. thanks, but now i don't need help, was found mistake and change it.

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