Svetlana Tumanova is ready for certificate

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bndsght     2020-12-11 19:21:15
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Fanatic Girl-Coder

Hey. I started solving problems here in 2017: over time, I acquired new knowledge and very slowly solved new problems. I started programming at school (in Pascal), I had an old computer with a CRT monitor at home. The cat ate the cord to the monitor, so the turbo pascal made me happy with different colors (like a New Year's garland). Then I went to study as a programmer at MPEI (upon admission, I chose the direction of study randomly), specializing in CAD. There I got acquainted with many languages, but settled on C ++. At one time I wrote in lua. At the moment I am programming signal processors.

Привет. Решать тут задачи я начала в 2017 году: со временем приобретала новые знания и очень медленно решала новые задачи. Программировать начала в школе (на паскале), у меня был дома старый компьютер с ЭЛТ монитором. Шнур к монитору погрыз кот, поэтому турбо паскаль радовал меня разными цветами (как новогодняя гирлянда). Потом я пошла учиться на программиста в МЭИ (при поступлении направление обучения выбрала рандомно) по специальности САПР. Там познакомилась со многими языками, но остановилась на С++. Одно время писала на lua. На данный момент программирую сигнальные процессоры.

p.s.: мой английский так себе поэтому я воспользовалась гугл переводчиком.

Rodion (admin)     2020-12-14 10:51:07
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Svetlana, Hi!

Thanks for your request - your certificate is ready at your profile!

It's great to see such a persistence - you worked through problems in the course of a few last years!

And thanks for your nice story!

At one time I wrote in lua

That's curious - I rarely hear of this language - the last time (few months ago) from colleague who get hired to company using Lua for their software. So this may be not a bad choice!

programming signal processors.

Despite some background in electronics I'm a bit weak in technologies - does this mean "DSPs"? They alway looked like very special and whimsical field to me :)

The cat ate the cord to the monitor, so the turbo pascal made me happy with different colors

Ha-ha, tough beginning - but this vively reminds me of my own start - it was Turbo Pascal too, but with shades of grey instead of colors (parents got used computer for me with black-and-white monitor, it was cheaper). Oh, nostalgie :)

мой английский так себе поэтому я воспользовалась гугл переводчиком

If you don't mind, I dare to advise not hesitate using English anyway for the sake of professional improvement :) You know it not only mean eventually better salaries, but also wider choice of projects, teams and companies - and even hobbies etc.

Some american colleague once told to me "Of course your English is far from perfect, but it is much better than my Russian, ha-ha-ha!"

bndsght     2020-12-14 13:16:05
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So this may be not a bad choice!

For the most part I used lua to modify addons for WoW :D

does this mean "DSPs"

You are absolutely right)

They alway looked like very special and whimsical field to me

I always liked electronics and 3D graphics more than, for example, the theory of probability)) a matter of taste)

If you don't mind, I dare to advise not hesitate using English anyway for the sake of professional improvement :) You know it not only mean eventually better salaries, but also wider choice of projects, teams and companies - and even hobbies etc.

Thank you) I think sooner or later I will pull myself together and break out of the "language comfort zone"

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