task 188 Basics of HTML

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Y_VICTORY     2019-05-30 09:09:40
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Hi! I'm trying to solve Basics of HTML task using CgiWebHost. Following all the instructions given here: https://www.codeabbey.com/index/task_view/basics-of-html I have this page as a result: http://diri.atwebpages.com/codeabbey/BasicsofHTML.html It opens just fine if try to do it and change the value if necessary. However, the answer I get is "Your file does not contain Secret Value or it is not outlined in Bold.". I don't get it. Am I doing something wrong? Please

Y_VICTORY     2019-05-30 09:25:24
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now my page is error, i get "Page Not Found"... i dont understand :(

Rodion (admin)     2019-05-30 09:55:51
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There could be problem with this specific hosting. It become worse since the times the problem was created. It sometimes add some spam to the page (advertisements etc), sometimes redirects etc.

I think that for now the best service I can recommend is pythonanywhere. Even if you do not use python generally.

I should re-check those services and probably update instructions for this problem... Sorry for bewilderment!

P.S. for php, perl and other cgi the hosting at sourceforge definitely still works. For static pages github is great (but for our problems it is not enough).

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