Bug Language used to solve the problem

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Ashish Padalkar     2015-01-11 21:58:27
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I have noticed that the site is not displaying properly the language used to solve the problem I have never used brainfuck to solve any problem still it shows that i used it to solve rotation in 2d space problem

i have seen this problem with other members also

there also also some problem with formatting, the entire code appears to be grey .

Rodion (admin)     2015-01-12 03:15:37
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Hi! Thanks for writing about this! :)

Yes, sometimes language detection fails. You can see it is done by small function in the end of this file http://www.codeabbey.com/js/common.js - and algorithm is stupid enough. Though recently I've changed functionality so that by default site should suppose your "favorite" language (i.e. one you already used for most of other tasks).

Code formatting also depends on the language so if language is wrong, syntax highlight is wrong too.

However it should be easy to amend! Just visit the solution page for this problem (accessible from your profile) - and here click the language selector (you should see it above solution - when you are logged in) - switch it to proper language.

Hope this may help!

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