Certificate request

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Romain Michau     2019-05-13 11:43:44

Hello Admins, I recently completed more than 145 problems. Could I have a certificate? Romain

Rodion Go     2019-05-14 05:45:04

Romain, Hi!

(hm-m-m, this is me, admin - I'm just currently logged as a normal user to investigate some bug)

Thanks for your message - and for your persistence :)

Could you please fulfil the small "official requirement" - confirm how your name should be spelled on certificate? Is it exactly Romain Michau, or any middle names, intials and diacritics should be added?

Thanks in advance!

Romain Michau     2019-05-16 12:47:43

Hi, Thanks for answering. My name is indeed Romain Michau

Rodion (admin)     2019-05-16 15:14:42
User avatar

Romain, thanks for confirmation! And for your patience / persistence :)

Your certificate is ready and attached to your profile!

Romain Michau     2019-05-16 16:30:21

Thanks you very much 👍👍

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