Happy New Years Codeabbey

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WakeMeAtThree     2018-01-01 14:33:18
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This probably might be the umpteenth time you've heard (or read?) that today, followed by questions about the year's resolutions/plans. Isn't it interesting that all discussions for plans always take place on 1/1/YYYY?

Let's have one of our own. What goals are you guys/gals planning to reach this year?

Quandray     2018-01-01 16:20:53
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Several years ago, my New Year's Resolution was "Not to make New Year's Resolutions", so I'm sticking with that.

laurentypetit     2018-01-01 23:53:06
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1 : no more sugar (except black chocolate) 2 : finish all the problems of codeabbey than can still be solved (no broken links)

WakeMeAtThree     2018-01-02 14:36:46
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@Quandray: How about you wait a couple days and make just good old '18 resolutions? ;-)

@laurentypetit: Good for you! I started that a while back as well and I would go for the 90% dark chocolate (acquired taste, yek at first). It's surprising to find out how sugar is literally everywhere though, from bread dough to pasta sauce to suspiciously tasty salad sold in restaurants. Best of luck on finishing the rest codeabbey problems!

I didn't exactly formulate my thoughts on goals at the time of starting this thread, so here goes:

  1. Finish Codeabbey Problems + finish 1 of the suggested projects
  2. Continue language learning on Duolingo + watch 2 French movies without subtitles
  3. Juggle 5 balls (currently stuck on 4 balls)
  4. Start and maintain a blog
  5. Finish one MachineLearning project.

Heh, I hope they stick. Here's hoping that sharing it here would provide some public commitment.

johnnycake     2018-01-02 21:15:50

At the end of the year I always get the urge to make a list of resolutions. I've found it best to procrastinate until the urge goes away.

Norbiox     2018-01-03 15:00:59

Happy New Year everyone! :)

skiwithu     2018-01-04 02:46:03

I feel very late, but since I just started java on the last week of 2017, I'm looking forward to solving every problem up to 100 for now. I'm looking forward to a year of learning and progression with you all! Happy new year and happy coding!

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