
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: loops - total 21    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
2Sum in LoopDE ES FR AR ZH RO RU SK33045
3Sums in LoopDE ES FR AR ZH RO RU SK25175
15Maximum of arrayDE ES AR ZH RO RU SK17178
7Fahrenheit to CelsiusDE ES AR ZH RO RU SK15169
20Vowel CountDE ES AR ZH RO RU SK12322
16Average of an arrayDE ES RU SK9357
17Array ChecksumDE ES RU SK8663
21Array CountersDE ES RU SK8098
14Modular CalculatorES SK6602
18Square RootES RU5589
23Bubble in ArrayES RU5177
57Smoothing the WeatherES RU4299
35Savings Calculator4048
32Josephus ProblemRU3897
55Matching Words3183
34Binary Search2155
63Integer FactorizationZH1781
98Azimuth at Treasure Island730
197Loops in Assembly255
109Lucky Tickets226