Interactive Graphics

Just using our programming skills to produce static "drawings" is not satisfying. Luckily we have a couple small functions which allow for user interaction - in other words, we'll be able to write mini-games soon!

Our two new friends are:

These two should be used together, wrapped in the endless while loop (you may allow it to exit after some condition though) - so that program repeatedly checks for new click coordinates from user (and may do some action if click happened).

Their definitions are like this:    -- returns two (!) values, for X and Y

The first function should be used in assignment with two variables on the left (otherwise we only give single X value). The second takes integer parameter - milliseconds to wait (i.e. 1000 is for 1 second).

Let's try the small example which draws circles whenever user clicks on the canvas.

c = 0                  -- circles counter
while c < 10 do        -- let's stop after 10 circles
  x, y =
  if x >= 0 then       -- negative value means there was no new click yet, y, 20 + c * 5)
    c = c + 1

As you may note from the comment or by experiment, returns -1, -1 if there was no click since the previous call to this function. This prevents program from crazily drawing zounds of circles at the same point.