Prize Photos are interesting but are repeating

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oezguery     2023-09-12 20:41:03
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Hello Rodion,

I enjoy the prize photos a lot and I become happy when I get to see a new one. Recently they are repeating for me. Is there any chance you have more photos that you want to give as prize photos? I especially like seeing St. Petersburg through your lens.

Rodion (admin)     2023-09-13 04:40:47
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Özgür, Hi!

It is curious to hear about photos - probably just for the third time at all - that someone is noticing them :)

You are right, the current load of images has (just checked) only 66 items - much more than average "solved tasks per user" - but your case is not "average" :)

I'll go and update the list now, so some newer ones should start appearing soon for you. However there is a minor issue - formula which decides what to show may reorder them so that some still will be repeating... Thanks for your kind feedback especially about St-Pete's - and sorry if there would be not immediately enough new pictures of it shown... As a small excuse - here I collected some shots from this summer with a accompanying text: Two photo-walks around Nevsky, early 2023

P.S. sometimes I think I'd better spend time on adding problems and features to the site, rather than on my meek tinkering with old cameras :))) so your message is a bit relieving, thanks :) shall try to keep some balance!

UPD: (couple hours later) added about 90 more pictures, I think. Will do more later.

oezguery     2023-09-16 22:30:06
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Thank you very much, I am looking forward to discover the photos by solving tasks. I came to a point right now where puzzles are not easy and solving them requests considerable amount of time -- for a beginner like me. I have to wrap my head around grid paths.

I noticed the photos from the beginning on. I first discovered codeabbey a few years ago and added to my list of puzzle websites. I came back to codeabbey because I remembered from that early visit that I get photos as a prize which makes the experience of solving puzzles more aesthetic and more personal. The prize photos are, when you ask me, one of the aspects of this website that makes it original and fresh, unlike more streamlined and competitive other websites.

Keep up the good work, please.

Rodion (admin)     2023-09-17 04:49:07
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I came to a point right now where puzzles are not easy and solving them requests considerable amount of time

As a side note - congratulation on reaching that far, cool work! Just wanted to say it may be good at this point to pick problems with some consideration. One thing is that some more recently added problems could be simpler but are sorted "at the bottom" as they have not many solvers yet. Another is that some "directional" way of study may be chosen, e.g. solving problems from "algorithms" or "implementation" volumes.

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