Hello from Germany

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Larnius     2022-11-22 11:03:16

Hi everyone,

my name is Andreas and I am from a very small village in Bavaria, Germany. I am 37 years old and started programming about a month ago. My first programming language is Python because I was told it is relatively easy. So I started a course on Udemy and bought some books on Python.

As for hobbys besides learning Python: I have got a tiny dog named Cookie and I am currently learning Russian on Duolingo (can't reccomend it high enough, so much fun).

Thank you Rodion for this website, it is really a lot of fun and I love solving those problems. Also I think the idea to "win" your pictures for solving problems is great.

For some reason the forum switches from "introduce yourself" to "gerneral discussions" - I might do something wrong here.

Kind regards, Andreas

Rodion (admin)     2022-11-22 18:41:41
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Andreas, Hi! Guten Tag! (well, rather Nacht already)

Thanks a lot for leaving a note! It's been some time still anyone did - and it is always very curious to know more about colleagues!

If not a secret, are you going to switch to programming from some other occupation?

Quite curious thing about learning Russian (though probably it may become somewhat difficult and dull soon - but one can always try to switch to some related, perhaps, Polish as most exciting one)! I guess it was your countrymate Mathias who explained to me that language was taught in DDR, but it was long ago and Bavaria, I guess, was not in DDR (?)

And what breed is Cookie? You may find out at some pictures later that mine is mongrel, also not big and quite funny :)

About switching forums - more likely it was me who did something wrong - I tried to unite separate "subforums" some time ago to simplify browsing them - but obviously the move was not 100% complete, so it may confuse people, sorry :)

Feeling a bit envious each time when meet someone starting to learn coding :)

Larnius     2022-11-22 19:10:14

Hey Rodion,

yeah I saw that this part of the forum was not in use so much lately and I thought it would be appropriate to say hello.

I'm not sure about switching since I am already retired. I had a bad accident almost three years ago and now I just work for a couple of hours a day - but I want to keep my brain active ;-)

Learning Russian started because of my future mother in law. She is Russian and I wanted to understand what she and her sisters talk in this insanely fast spoken language. So for about a year or so I study Russian via app and books and stuff. More or less sucessfully. My future wife doesn't speak Russian also, since her parents thought it would be easier for the children to speak only German (she is born in Germany). It was well intendet but always a little sad if such things get lost, at least in my opinion.

Who ever explained this to you is right, but Bavaria was not in the DDR and unfortunately Russian is no more being told in school - at least as far as I am aware of.

Cookie is a pure breed chihuahua and 10 years old - so he is a senior but I hope to have many more years with him.

No need to apologize, you did a really great job with the website and I am happy to have found it. Not sure if it was mentioned in the Udemy course.

I think I know what you mean, the beginning of something always has a beauty in it and the small steps in progress always fell giangic.

Shoshannah     2022-11-22 19:58:11

Servus! (Do you say "Servus" in [your part of] Bayern? Is is appropriate?)
and I have a weird question that I really have to ask:
At home, with the family — do you speak Hochdeutsch or a dialect? Or neither?

Larnius     2022-11-22 20:25:10

Servus is actually perfectly fine. I use that about 300 time a day, it is an friendly alternative to Hallo or Grüß Gott. The part in Bavaria where I live is called Franconia, so that is kind of a state in a state. At least if you ask people her.

I speak both in my family. With my brother I speak more bavarian than franconian. Same for my future wife. With my parents I speak Hochdeutsch.

Rodion (admin)     2022-11-23 16:27:51
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Oh, you see, Shoshannah is quite deep in all those linguistical things :) I needed to google a bit to figure out the difference and how much the difference is. BTW, about parents, does it mean your family moved originally from some other part of the country?

About mother-in-law - that's a noble goal! Great! I call mine "Любимая Тёща" and you may want to try too unless she decide you are joking :) But mine is really outstanding person - so there is no joking :)

About "insanely fast spoken language" - I suspect it's more personal manner rather than feature of the language. I dare say I don't always catch up with everything my mother is telling me when I visit her :)

Some tasks here have translations... you may try browsing them for fun, though you probably more aim to spoken practice and listening comprehension.

Chichuas are extremely funny in almost any age, that's one of their greatest qualities - besides compactness! That bad accident sounds, well, bad... But who knows - perhaps great things are yet to come (as history gives tons of examples) - just don't forget to share when they happen by and by! You know this is always quite motivating but often people forget to boast :)

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