Daniil Sobolev is ready for certificate

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sndb     2023-10-27 15:59:21

Hello! I'm a hobbyist programmer from Russia. I use CodeAbbey to practice my problem-solving skills. Although I know a bunch of programming languages, I like to solve problems with Scheme - a simple and expressive dialect of Lisp.

I'm happy to finally qualify for the certificate. Thank you for developing and maintaining CodeAbbey! It is a great resource.

Rodion (admin)     2023-10-27 19:19:22
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Daniil, Hi!

Thanks for your work, we now have quite a "corpus" of high-quality reference solutions in Scheme! While I myself have curiosity for Lisp-like languages family, I never could reach such an advanced level of using the language. It's additionally pleasing that you used it to solve quite variety of problems, including those dealing with web. That's very cool!

Your certificate is ready - thanks once more for your patience and persistence!

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