Eric W Gillum is ready for certificate

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cire     2019-08-23 07:31:59

Hello! I'm a programmer of 10+ years with background in mobile/embedded, having transitioned to backend development in recent years. I love programming for its own sake, so I'm always drawn to challenge problems. I must say, your site has been wonderfully addictive. (I'm getting into top 50, by golly!) Glad to see you're maintaining it. I much appreciate how you encourage a quality learning experience.

Incidentally, I see now that Swift is a language choice option! I wrote all my solutions in Swift where applicable (have used Code Abbey as a learning grounds for it). Any way to mass edit problems and set the proper language?

Rodion (admin)     2019-08-24 08:44:19
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Eric, Hi!

Thanks a lot for your story and your kind words! And for your devotion :) Your certificate is ready at your profile. I just was guessing whether period should be after middle initial or not. Just say if something is wrong - it'll be fixed :)

Any way to mass edit problems and set the proper language

Regretfully no way from user interface, but supposedly my sql-fu can manage this without breaking anything... Please tell - is it correct that all solutions marked with "Javascript" at your page are also in Swift? They seem to me slightly different from JS I know... So would it be right to change language for all which are marked as "Other" or "Javascript"?

cire     2019-08-24 09:36:45

You're correct about the period after W. I feel like I tried putting '.' in the title but it was stripped.

As for language choice: Probably safe to assume anything tagged with "Javascript" or "Other" was written in Swift. I think the site autodetects "Javascript" from Swift source, and I was random in either noticing or bothering to select "Other" instead.


Rodion (admin)     2019-08-25 08:13:49
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Thanks for hint!

I tried to run the suitable query - seems like 150 records were changed - so I hope I changed only yours and not some other's :)

Thanks once more for it surely is good to have "reference solutions" in Swift for other users!

P.S. About middle initial - I just vaguely remembered that some US people insist they have no middle name, just initial - and thus don't put dot here. But right, titles here at forum strip punctuation (I don't remember exactly what reason for).

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