Interactive problems no longer working?

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johnnycake     2019-08-04 17:11:01

After completing the first interactive problem (say-100),I went on to the second (nim-game) but the server will not recognize a fresh token. Here's the code in Python 3.7:

import requests



Output is: <Response [200]>

The expected response would be something like:

heaps: 2 3 4

Quandray     2019-08-04 18:39:32
User avatar

It's working for me using C++ and curl. A HTTP 200 response is an "OK". Did you get anything after that?

Rodion (admin)     2019-08-04 18:52:58
User avatar


Thanks to Quandray for checking this! Well, since the server probably works, something is probably wrong with your code.

I am still poor at Python and don't remember exactly how we do it in python using requests, but after this hint I've looked at your code for Say-100 - and here is slight difference:

Instead of:

You wrote:
#             ^^^^^

I guess the response is object and you need to take the field .text?

johnnycake     2019-08-05 00:18:37

Thank you, Rodion. You are correct. I must have been a little sloppy when copying my code.

print(response) returns only the status code

print(response.text) returns the status code and content

It's working for me now.

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