Not Acceptable

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tmozvtwente     2019-05-13 12:31:00

When I try to submit my code and solution in problems 7 and 20, I get the following error:

"Not Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security."

When I delete my code and replace it with a question mark for example, I don't get the error. My code is in C# and works (it generates an answer on the page).

Is this a known problem? Am I doing something wrong?

Code from problem 20, for example:

// code was removed after problem is fixed... problem was not in code anyway :)
Rodion (admin)     2019-05-14 05:14:47
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Thanks for reporting this. Looks like an obvious server-side bug and I'm very sorry for it :(

(it seems to happen somehow due to improper encoding of submitted data by the front-end - but I currently have no idea why it happened just now - going to research)

Meanwhile your code is working correctly and it even can be submitted without causing this error if the following replacement is made:

for (int j = 0; j < input[i].Length; j++)

with the change to "not equals":

for (int j = 0; j != input[i].Length; j++)

(still no idea how it happens)

P.S. What browser do you use?

Rodion Go     2019-05-14 06:04:27

Update: I've made some hot-fix and it hopefully should work now without any hacks. Just try to resubmit your solution. I have tried it from this account just now...

This seems to be not about browser, but rather due to some new feature enabled by hosting provider. I'm sorry but such things sometimes happen with shared hosting.

tmozvtwente     2019-05-14 18:24:27

Hello Rodion,

Thanks for your work on this problem. It seems to be fixed!

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