Issues with interactive problems - fixed - plus new problem

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Will Schreiner     2021-09-30 19:54:07

I've been having problems trying to solve the interactive problems, any time that I try a POST request I get a 500 error:

"Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds."

Is anyone else having this issue, or is this just me doing something wrong?

Rodion (admin)     2021-10-01 07:09:08
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Will, Hi!

Thanks for reporting this. Seemingly recent google's changes to appengine, where these small apps are hosted, made them inoperable at last. Sorry for this - it was supposed google's services are constant and solid as rock :)

I'll try to figure out what to do or where to move these apps next. Hopefully I can resolve this today or during weekend.

Will Schreiner     2021-10-01 13:11:20

Ah that sounds like a real pain; I hope for your sake that it's nothing major. Especially since I'd imagine that openabbey is also using appengine, so moving everything over seems like it would be a massive pain :/

Rodion (admin)     2021-10-02 08:49:10
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Will, Hi!

Please try with address (other 3 problems should work also if you change the filename respectively).

If it works for you, I'll update links in problem statements. Let them temporarily live there and meanwhile I'll probably come up with something better.

Ah that sounds like a real pain; I hope for your sake that it's nothing major.

Oh, thanks, but that's really not that "major". Just a consequence of wish to keep interfactive games separately from main server (to prevent server problems if someone will overuse them) - and the wish to keep infrastructure cheap or free :)

since I'd imagine that openabbey is also using appengine

If I'm not mistaken it doesn't, just the application at appengine was named also open-abbey (hard to tell why I did so, now confusing myself). Openabbey lives in tiny virtual server and probably we should use some of its resources for interactive problems too in future...

UPD added small new problem of this kind: Bear Hunt

Will Schreiner     2021-10-12 15:18:16

I apologize for the long break; I have been very busy with work as of late and did not see your response. I am happy to say that all seems to be working as intended! I really appreciate how quickly you've been able to remedy this, and I look forward to trying the new interactive problems!

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