Why R is not recognized as a language

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mybismark     2020-12-28 23:11:22

When I submit my questions I have to select a language, but I dont see R. Why so ?

Rodion (admin)     2020-12-29 12:15:31
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Hi Friend!

Most probably because no one asked about it before :) It seems R gained some popularity in recent years, but in 2014 when this site started, it was less popular and so wasn't included into list initially. E.g. it was having about 0.3% at tiobe index and now it is over 2.5%.

If you don't mind I'll investigate this a bit and try to figure out if it is possible to automatically detect sources in R besides just adding its name.

mybismark     2020-12-29 13:20:54


Thats okay, I can wait. Yes its more like a tool then a real programming language. It would be hard to write a sowftware in R.

I am also new in R, I know python and just wanted to try R. Its a nice language with cool features.

Thanks again

Rodion (admin)     2021-01-07 18:00:59
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Hi Friend!

Sorry for delay. Hopefully R should appear in the lists of languages now and even autodetection of solution source should work - after some consideration I added simple rule, if source contains <- then it's most probably R.

(if something is not working yet, make sure your browser cache is reset - one of the ways to clear it is re-login to the site)

Yes its more like a tool then a real programming language. It would be hard to write a sowftware in R.

Ironically, even the project I'm working in currently, has some use for R. It is a kind of whimsical data storage system for bio-scientists and some of the automated tests are in R. I suppose these were provided by some of companies who use the system as our own QAs write tests in Python.

So while some languages are not well suitable to write "general software", they still may have "niche" usage and be included into larger projects as some part...

Arman Cam     2021-01-07 19:17:57
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Thanks a lot for the effort. I really appreciate it.

So while some languages are not well suitable to write "general software", they still may have "niche" usage and be included into larger projects as some part...

Indeed. Its really powerful at some aspects.

mybismark     2021-01-08 09:23:09

Thanks a lot :p I was waiting for this

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