Gray Decoder

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zelevin     2022-12-10 20:55:57


Thanks for the fun problem! Naturally, I solved it by writing a program that solved it. :)

You might want to fix a small typo in the "three functions are recognized NAND, NOR and XOR" line - the backtick is not terminated. Also, it would be helpful to mention that XOR accepts two arguments only.



Rodion (admin)     2022-12-23 10:50:47
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Vladimir, thanks for your kind words. I was somewhat in doubts since the problem is close to trivial (when one knows solution, ha-ha, and without regard to glitches, probably).

And thanks for correction. hopefully it's better now.

Sorry for delayed reaction. I was sure I answered this topic week ago, found it was not (today), thought that answered today, now after dog walk, shopping, work chats etc returned to the site and found it is not again. Very sorry!

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