Una domanda sulla lingua preferita A question on the preferred language

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oezguery     2023-08-22 10:40:26
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Sono in Italia per fare le vacanze e sto facendo degli puzzle a Codeabbey :)

I would like to know what is determining the language of a user. Right now I am solving puzzles with Go and I would like to be listed also with Go, what should I do.

Mille grazie, mi piace molto questo sitio!


Rodion (admin)     2023-08-25 08:54:44
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Oh, great :) by coincidence few days ago Toto Cutugno, famous Italian song-writer changed this world for the better one and on this occasions his songs were playing here even from kettles and owens. He is from the group of European artists extremely loved here, similar to Celentano, for example. Anyway, by occasion I had a chance to review the actual lyrics of some of his most known songs and so I now know few more words!

As to the technical question, I believe there was some very simple piece of logic, like the language used for more than half of successful solutions becomes preferred one for the user, but can't quickly find this place in the code (very silly).

Perhaps it would be better to make this configurable in user profile, however on the other hand it seems with experience growing people find themselves able to use several languages fluently enough and specific "preferred" language has less sense in such situation...

oezguery     2023-08-29 23:22:51
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I checked out Toto and found some of his songs interesting. My son liked him too, but he does not like it when I sing along. I am a fan of Fabrizio de Andre and would recommend him if you did not listen to him before.

I have now solved as many puzzles in Go as in Python. I was hoping to solve one more in Go tonight and see if my language will change. It did not happen tonight as I am already too tired. But it is going very well so far, I am enjoying it.

Ci vediamo domani!

My favorite de Andre song is:

Il Ritorno Di Giuseppe

Stelle già dal tramonto,
si contendono il cielo a frotte,
luci meticolose
nell'insegnarti la notte.

Un asino dai passi uguali,
compagno del tuo ritorno,
scandisce la distanza
lungo il morire del giorno.
Ai tuoi occhi, il deserto,
una distesa di segatura,
minuscoli frammenti
della fatica della natura.

Gli uomini della sabbia
hanno profili d'assassini,
rinchiusi nei silenzi
d'una prigione senza confini.

Odore di Gerusalemme,
la tua mano accarezza il disegno
d'una bambola magra,
intagliata nel legno.

"La vestirai, Maria,
ritornerai a quei giochi
lasciati quando i tuoi anni
erano così pochi."
E lei volò fra le tue braccia
come una rondine,
e le sue dita come lacrime,
dal tuo ciglio alla gola,
suggerivano al viso,
una volta ignorato,
la tenerezza d'un sorriso,
un affetto quasi implorato.

E lo stupore nei tuoi occhi
salì dalle tue mani
che vuote intorno alle sue spalle,
si colmarono ai fianchi
della forma precisa
d'una vita recente,
di quel segreto che si svela
quando lievita il ventre.

E a te, che cercavi il motivo
d'un inganno inespresso dal volto,
lei propose l'inquieto ricordo
fra i resti d'un sogno raccolto.
oezguery     2023-08-30 22:09:16
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It worked as expected. I solved one more challenge, Insertion Sort, in Go. And in the ranking my name is listed with Go instead of Python.

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