Question regarding Introducing Scheme (Problem 223)

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D_madrev     2021-08-19 07:26:45


I have been trying to solve the "Introducing Scheme" Problem (no. 223). However, although I can write a code that gets to the right output (at least in the TinyScheme interpreter linked by the problem page), there seems to be a problem with the format of my output as it is not accepted. The problem page is not very clear on how the 'format' of the output (i.e. whether it should be 'returned', 'displayed' or 'written'). Currently, I have written a code in scheme that returns (or displays) the result in one line, in line with the test problems provided.

I would be grateful if someone could explain the format the output should be in (or any other tips on what I am doing wrong).

Many thanks, David

qwerty     2021-08-19 15:22:40

Well, I took your solution and renamed triplex to multiplex. Believe me, after this your solution passed all the tests.

D_madrev     2021-08-20 00:09:35

Thanks qwerty, that's emberassing! I will look into it. Many thanks for taking the time to look at it.

D_madrev     2021-08-20 00:12:52

Hi Qwerty, just to confirm that you were spot on. I must have been staring myself blind on possible other mistakes. Many thanks again and apologies for such a silly question!

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