Unintended behaviour when changingGitHub username

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BokChoyWarrior     2021-05-03 18:58:20

Hi, I recently posted an issue on github https://github.com/CodeAbbey/meta/issues/73

I tried to change my name back on CodeAbbey but the site says that my old username is currently being used :(

It would be nice if you could manually replace my current profile with the old one - I do not mind losing my progress here but did complete some harder problems on my old one which I would like to keep.

One interesting thing to note is that accessing my old profile via link: https://www.codeabbey.com/index/user_profile/BukChoiWarrior Will redirect you to my current new one! Weird...

Rodion (admin)     2021-05-03 20:16:44
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Ahoy There!

Please, try relogin with your current github - if we are lucky, you'll get to your old profile.

Rodion (admin)     2021-05-03 20:26:06
User avatar

I tried to change my name back on CodeAbbey but

ha-ha, this would be easy way to overtake other's accounts, if it work :)

Yep, I remember this issue - and most probably there is a way to fix it, but it requires some accurate thought over few lines of code, thus I initially postponed it, not feeling myself clever enough that time :)

I'll try once more.

The matter is, usually it is very bad idea to change the username at github, since this changes paths of repositories. Github should disable this completely. But they did't :) we use both their username and ID as login, but should change the code to use id only. The small issue is some auxiliary functionality relies on it. I'll see for it.

Will redirect you to my current new one

no, seemingly doesn't redirect or I don't try this correctly...

sorry for inconvenience once more!

BukChoiWarrior     2021-05-07 22:17:43

Rodion my saviour :)

As you can see from my username I have my old account back, signed in via my new GitHub username.

this would be easy way to overtake other's accounts

I see, and I agree it is a bad idea but I created the account before I knew how to spell this name properly. You live and learn, as they say

no, seemingly doesn't redirect or I don't try this correctly...

Maybe I should have been more clear - The "old" account url (BukChoiWarrior) would stay as such, but the page would display the "new" account's details (BokChoyWarrior). Just something I noticed that may help you troubleshoot if you decide to follow up this issue. It is only small so probably is likely to not happen to anyone else again anyhow.

Anyway, again thank you for this, I am looking forward to learning some more Rust with your great website.

Take care and seee you around, BCW

BukChoiWarrior     2021-05-07 22:20:10

Now the real test... change my name back to BokChoyWarrior here! Although I am a little apprehensive.

Would you advise against this? I think I will await your reply before trying x)

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