
Friends, Hi! This site is completely free for all users. It is my credo, it is what my teachers taught me - education should be as accessible as possible to everyone - and it means free.

However, if you like CodeAbbey and think it did you some good, and have some money you are willing to spare - I'll be glad.

Thank you for your intention.
Currently we pause accepting donations - but shall gladly resume when things get brighter!
Meanwhile it would be nice if you prefer to donate to some other charity cause
(children healthcare and pets shelters I personally prefer the most)).

gmail me as 'rodiongork' in case of any questions

Please, read this - How I may use your money!

It is important for me that you understand - and don't donate please, if you don't agree (or feel free to ask for more information). CodeAbbey is relatively cheap to run (about $20). It's ok for me to pay it from my own funds (at least as long as I work as developer with comfortable salary). But your good-will and support is helpful and reassuring for me.

So, for example, if some Alice and Bob donate $15 each this month, we not only cover hosting expences, but also have about $10 in exess! So let me explain how this "excess" could be used (besides storing at hosting account for future payments):


We don't announce your donations loudly, unless you ask to :)

If you would like "benefactor" certificate at your profile - please tell how to spell your name on it. And choose one of the designs below, which you prefer - or which you feel is less frightening :)

CodeAbbey benefactor certificate designs

As there is no automatic way to identify your donation with your CodeAbbey account - mention your profile name when sending money (unless you want to go secret). Alternatively you may write at forum (or linkedin etc) the name of paypal account you used for donation, if necessary.


There is an option to get simple souvenirs as token of our respect for your generosity. Currently they are supposed to be postcard, mug or t-shirt. This is a subtle moment, however: manufacturing and sending them requires some time and expence from me. So it would be nice to make sure donation size is adequate and we can send your souvenir to you. Feel free to ask first!

Currently it seems ok to:

Surely you'll need to send your postal address (and preferred size/design) along with donation - or discuss at forum etc. This process is still being tested so feel free to discuss.