
Problem #125

Tags: sorting random implementation c-1 c-0

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This problem was suggested by Erik Kvanli - thanks a lot!

This sorting algorithm is never used in production. Rather it was proposed as both programmer's joke and the case for exercise and study.

Bogosort works by shuffling of the array and checking, whether it by chance appeared in the proper order. This is repeated as many times as necessary. The expected number of iterations to succeed grows dramatically with the increase of the array size. But one special property of the algorithm is that its worst-case time complexity is unbounded - it may never stop in some cases.

You are to implement the algorithm following directions below and tell the amount of iterations it took (or report the cases when it will never end).


We'll use random number generator similar to Neumann's with a small modification:

For example starting from X=654321 we get the following sequence:

654321 464966 372900 748718 139565 873624 904049 115661
    465222 495612 559871 960608 971847 98072 70795 286980 ...


Given an array use the approach proposed in the Cards Shuffling task to toss it randomly:

A - is an array
N - is its size

FOR i = 0 ... N-1
    r = next random value from randomizer
    j = r % N
    SWAP A[i] with A[j]

Use the value 918255 to initialize randomizer. Note that the first value returned is not the seed - rather it is the following one!

At each next iteration apply shuffling to the result of previous iteration rather than to initial state of array.

For example, if the array contains values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 initially and randomizer is seeded with 654321 then after a single shuffling loop the order should change to 3 4 1 5 7 2 6 - the following sequence of swaps is performed:

0-5  1-3  2-5  3-6  4-3  5-6  6-0   # each pair describes i-j indices

Input and Output details

Input data will contain the number of test-cases in the first line.
Each testcase given in separate line will contain an array of exactly 7 values.
Answer should contain the amount of shuffles needed to sort the given array or -1 if it will never be sorted.


input data:
61 91 35 135 105 120 161
156 30 119 99 81 60 137
102 170 142 55 117 83 26
102 81 128 168 56 145 27

-1 156 -1 1391

Note: random generator should be reinitialized for each test!

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